The Last Person.....

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Grading is done! I'm watching Closer (from 2004) on my's quite good! Jude Law, Natalie Portman, Clive Owen, Julia Roberts...
I was just cruising google news when I found this....

Yes thats our comander in cheif ...

to his credit he doenst look as uncomfortable as Putin... but I wish he looked less of a moron with that 'duh' look that has become his signature.

here's the news story
My daughter waters our plants. Have you thought about getting a daughter? :D

Y'know, I'm kind of old-fashioned... I have this theory about not having kids (at least not deliberately) without a husband. And at the rate my social life hasn't been going, it would be damned close to an immaculate conception at this point... :(
Y'know, I'm kind of old-fashioned... I have this theory about not having kids (at least not deliberately) without a husband. And at the rate my social life hasn't been going, it would be damned close to an immaculate conception at this point... :(

You've got a good dog.. thats worth more than a social life on most days.
Y'know, I'm kind of old-fashioned... I have this theory about not having kids (at least not deliberately) without a husband. And at the rate my social life hasn't been going, it would be damned close to an immaculate conception at this point... :(

Kacey it is nice to see some woman are still waiting for marriage to have those childern
Kacey great picture of the dog, you must really love him.

Thanks - he's my furboy.

You've got a good dog.. thats worth more than a social life on most days.

There are days I wonder...

Kacey it is nice to see some woman are still waiting for marriage to have those childern

That's why I have a dog instead. I was married once - in retrospect, I'm just as glad that I didn't perpetuate that particular gene set... if ever there was a Darwin Award waiting to happen... but at 40, I don't think I'm likely to have kids of my own; I'll stick with the ones at the middle school, I think.
Hi Exile. How are you?

Probably more tired than is good for me---thought I was getting sick earlier tonight, probably need to crash soon---can't afford to get a cold or worse now, we have to drive back to NY through the Thanksgiving traffic this Wednesday to spend to holiday with my mother... it's a tough enough drive even without feeling like death warmed over. You staying put for the holiday?
I'll be working, as I always have. So, I'll come off the 3rd shift, catch the high school rivalry game, with my mother and friends, go to Mom's after, load the bird, go to sleep, get up and go to work. It's just another Thursday for me.
I'll be working, as I always have. So, I'll come off the 3rd shift, catch the high school rivalry game, with my mother and friends, go to Mom's after, load the bird, go to sleep, get up and go to work. It's just another Thursday for me.

I envy you! As I get older I hate being on the road for long trips, especially when the traffic is bad. My mother lives on Long Island, pretty much dead center, and there's no good way to avoid the metropolitan area. The traffic's bad enough normally, but it's gonna gradually turn into the world's longest parking lot, probably, once we get far enough along on the Jersey Turnpike.
And once we leave for there, no MT for me till Monday night---she's unconnected, so... :(
Well, with all of that said.....Happy Holliday to you! LOL.
Seriously, You'll miss it all one day.

And Happy Holiday back to you and yours, HS. You're right, of course... don't like to think too much about that... maybe that's what griping about it does---takes your mind off the future. Or something...

I'd better get some sleep---see you on the board tomorrow---don't stay up too late!
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