The Last Person.....

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While we wait for Arni, Kacey you are welcome to join Drac and I in the fall out shelter for a bite to eat and a cold drink.
Cowards, both of you... you couldn't just point out that I'm female, no...

Heh. I knew that, actually. But even still, I'm telling ya, it works! Don't knock it till you've tried it! (Er...the having your clothes done for you part, I mean.) It's a good strategy!
Uh, Arni... I'm still waiting for some kind of response... before I do this to you: :xwing::stoplurk::snipe2::wuguns::eek:verkill:

Sorry, we watched this week's episode of Heroes and then I did some more grading. Just one more problem to go before I assign grades...
Heh. I knew that, actually. But even still, I'm telling ya, it works! Don't knock it till you've tried it! (Er...the having your clothes done for you part, I mean.) It's a good strategy!

Uh-huh. Sure. I believe you. NOT!!

The last person who did my clothes for me was my ex... after she shrunk a few too many things (like my favorite wool vest... sized for an infant when he was done), I decided I was happier doing my own laundry.

Now, having someone else do the housework... that's worth money. And, in fact, that's exactly what I give one of my neighbors monthly to include me in her cleaning schedule! It's so nice to come home to a clean house...
The last person who did my clothes for me was my ex... after she shrunk a few too many things

Well, that sounds like grounds for separation to me. Next time, administer a laundry test first.

(Heh, if my wife read this board I'd be toast...just for how much time I've spent on it, let alone this!)
Well, that sounds like grounds for separation to me. Next time, administer a laundry test first.

I was very young when I got married...

(Heh, if my wife read this board I'd be toast...just for how much time I've spent on it, let alone this!)

Oooh.... potential blackmail... [filing information away for future use]
Good husbands do plenty... what's that say about you, hmm?

I might fall under the 'good bad example' category. :D

Actually, we have divvied up a wide variety of tasks between her, me, and of course the kids. Anything else, we hire someone!
Man I take a shower and have dinner and five pages have gone by and everyone says I'm a UPW, what about all of you?
Well all I bid you good evening as I go on duty in a few hours and I still have to do a few things to take care of...Sleep well...Drac will be on patrol...
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