The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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The computer part. Once we get past on and off it gets a little gray.......:)

OK. Lemme 'splain.. :)

A dive computer monitors your depth and time and uses that to calculate, based on various tissue absorption and bubble formation models, your nitrogen loading (for decompression) and (if you're diving a gas other than air) your oxygen exposure (to avoid oxygen toxicity, since seizures at depth tend to be fatal...), the depth and time of decompression stops, if any are needed.

All clear now? :D
Busy day. Just got a pair of new dive computers that I'm working out how to operate. Our old Aeris XR-1 NX computers will become backups, and I'll retire my old Suunto Stinger. Suunto uses insanely conservative models, which limits bottom time too much.

OK. Lemme 'splain.. :)

A dive computer monitors your depth and time and uses that to calculate, based on various tissue absorption and bubble formation models, your nitrogen loading (for decompression) and (if you're diving a gas other than air) your oxygen exposure (to avoid oxygen toxicity, since seizures at depth tend to be fatal...), the depth and time of decompression stops, if any are needed.

All clear now? :D

I never used those fancy things. I did all the calculations in my head carefully noting time to spend decompressing. Then I limited my dives to Lake Erie which made things easy. :) Been years though. I'll have to ask my former client who runs a local dive charter about those.
I never used those fancy things. I did all the calculations in my head carefully noting time to spend decompressing. Then I limited my dives to Lake Erie which made things easy. :) Been years though. I'll have to ask my former client who runs a local dive charter about those.

Were you doing deco diving or rec diving using tables? Computers just give you more bottom time, because they follow your dive profile instead of assuming a square profile.

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just basic rec diving. When I last went, dive comps were strictly the realm of the pro-diver. (late 80s) (PADI cert in 85 I think). At this point I need to take the classes again and recert before I go out again. Got an open seat at me ex clients, all I gotta do is get there. Thinking about it so I can do some underwater photography.
Certs are for life, but you'd be well advised to take a one day refresher at least.
Rec diving with tables is easy to calculate, since by definition there's no decompression involved. But tables assume a square profile for the dive which really doesn't happen often. Computers will give you more time on the bottom, assuming your gas consumption is low enough.

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Eh... Ehehe.
Hes like, all effective and stuff.
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Working tonight and Monday night. Daughter getting married Tuesday.

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Congrats DD!

I'm eating popcorn, drinking a beer, talking via internet and allowing my mind to wander.
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