The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Beer and coffee... two very popular things for which I have never acquired a taste...
I'd ask Arni to bring me ice cream but unfortunately it would probably melt by the time he got here. :(

I like chocolate ice cream as well! :)

He won't even bring me any, and I am a MUCH shorter drive...

Sue has a rule about chocolate (in pretty much any form...): "Step away from the chocolate and no one has to get hurt."
No pool party here in Colorado, but in (checks countdown timer on iPhone) 9 days, 19 hours, 9 minutes and 2 seconds we lift off for two weeks in Hawaii. Don't be hatin!
It is a dream of mine but I do not think it is my wife's!!! :( We almost moved there in 1999. Kauai to be exact. When I say almost it was so close!!! I am still working on the Big Island as that is my favorite who knows. Some day maybe!!!
So we have been vacationing there once a year and now that my youngest and I are scuba divers. I am really looking forward to the next time! :)
I'm working on Sue... she loves to dive, but we've done all of our diving in the Caribbean. It's Oahu this time, and she's open to the idea of moving there. This trip is as much to explore the housing and job markets as to go diving.
I am making this post for no other reason than because it will be my 4000th post.
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