The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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I'm working on Sue... she loves to dive, but we've done all of our diving in the Caribbean. It's Oahu this time, and she's open to the idea of moving there. This trip is as much to explore the housing and job markets as to go diving.

Oahu is expensive and not representative of all of Hawaii. Kaui, Maui and Oahu are all pretty expensive. However, on the Big Island you can still get a really good deal and the Island is bigger with better snorkeling, scuba diving. I have done a lot of research into house prices. Since you guy's are nurses though you can live anywhere! :)
Oahu is expensive and not representative of all of Hawaii. Kaui, Maui and Oahu are all pretty expensive. However, on the Big Island you can still get a really good deal and the Island is bigger with better snorkeling, scuba diving. I have done a lot of research into house prices. Since you guy's are nurses though you can live anywhere! :)

Oahu is the only island with a major trauma center, but I do need to do some checking on air ambulance services on the other islands.
Island hopping flights are like $75.
We won't be buying a house there. This would be more of a long-term vacation. Once my cancer progresses to a certain point, we'll be coming back to Colorado to be close to family.

It's a good thing you didn't post a few seconds earlier. You would have screwed up my grab for post 7500. :)
I have never been to Hawaii, my wife and I have talked about it possibly in the future for a vacation but nothing certain yet
The Tung Family (Taijiquan) has a school there by the way.

And speaking of Taijiquan, my knees are working at the moment so it is time to go do some exercise, some Bagua stepping and end with Taiji, talk later
Hello Brian

That is what I am off to do as well. time to train...and let me tell you it feels good to be able to train again

Bye Brian

Once my cancer progresses to a certain point, we'll be coming back to Colorado to be close to family.

Oh how I wish that what that vile disease has cost me gave me some 'credit' to make it leave my friends alone :(.

And now I've made myself cry - stupid Englishman, where's your stiff upper lip gone!
I'm going outside to rake the lawn.....ok...not all of it....but part of it. I am motivated to go do this...just not that motivated
I was going to mow the lawn today after a good dry spell ... but it's raining!

So I cleaned the bathroom instead as I could 'feel' Michelle's eyes on me for letting her house get less than spotless.
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