The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Well its Friday, next week...major network changes....this could be goodbye.....not just see ya Monday.... week days may be out for MT from this point forward

Have a great weekend
That is a sadness Xue - but we will await the weekend Tree Assault whenever you can summon the energy :bows:
TKD last night, but then the ER sort of imploded so we ended up there for a few hours. Lazy day today. TKD tomorrow.
I think I'll get my own double chocolate ice cream, since Arnisador can't be bothered...
Ok I'm out to dinner with my wife for our 9 year anniversary! In-laws are watching our daughter for the weekend!
We are at Olive Garden and my patience has run out waiting next to bratty kids an adults that need to learn ENGLISH! There....I said my peace!
Ok I'm out to dinner with my wife for our 9 year anniversary! In-laws are watching our daughter for the weekend!
We are at Olive Garden and my patience has run out waiting next to bratty kids an adults that need to learn ENGLISH! There....I said my peace!

Das war aber nicht sehr nett von Ihnen....
Das war aber nicht sehr nett von Ihnen....

I was getting annoyed because we are in Southern California, USA and all I heard since I got off work was Spanish music in the mall, employees assuming we speak Spanish, Spanish music at the Italian Restaurant, and people yelling in Spanish at the top of their lungs while we are waiting to be seated....and no I am not racist! I just think its ridiculous that in AMERICA we are not speaking ENGLISH!
I was getting annoyed because we are in Southern California, USA and all I heard since I got off work was Spanish music in the mall, employees assuming we speak Spanish, Spanish music at the Italian Restaurant, and people yelling in Spanish at the top of their lungs while we are waiting to be seated....and no I am not racist! I just think its ridiculous that in AMERICA we are not speaking ENGLISH!

English is not the official language of the USA...
Then what is?

There isn't one, of course.
Makes sense, after all, since the USA (or at least, most of us) has always been proud of being a melting pot; a nation of immigrants.
Their Spanish is as valid as your English. And that it bothers you is a little bit racist. Or at least provincial.
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