The Last Person Thread - 3.0

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Did you buy, or dig them up from the cellar?

I downloaded them from an abandonware site. Most of them I've got the originals though, but iMacs don't have floppy drives and most of these are on 5 1/4" disks that stopped being readable years ago. (All the old SSI civil war games for example which are still excellent turn based games, despite CGA (4 color) graphics)
I downloaded them from an abandonware site. Most of them I've got the originals though, but iMacs don't have floppy drives and most of these are on 5 1/4" disks that stopped being readable years ago. (All the old SSI civil war games for example which are still excellent turn based games, despite CGA (4 color) graphics)

Nice, I had a disconnect on your first post, but after going back and reading, it make it all so clear.

Back from my run in the woods.. . First time out this season at the local nature preserve. 42x crossing a stream or creek and 1 very large fallen oak tree on a 5k run. Way more fun than running on the side walk here in town!

It is always much better out in nature as opposed to asphalt and concrete.
Couldn't agree more! I really miss living on the farm, didn't realize how lucky I had it growing up.. .
You are correct, it's those early trappings that help form who we become. I think there is a saying that goes like this "life is wasted on the young". It's not their fault, they (we) just didn't know at the time..........
You are correct, it's those early trappings that help form who we become. I think there is a saying that goes like this "life is wasted on the young". It's not their fault, they (we) just didn't know at the time..........

Correction, not life, but youth is wasted on the young.
Despite my green shirt and red hair and beard, I'm cooking Korean tonight.. . Got some awesome pork belly that's going into the pressure cooker, and some kimchi and wild mushrooms to go on the side!
Great time babysitting the granddaughter today. 1 1/2 years old, it will keep you on your toes............
Mizo sauteed shiitake, beech, and royal trumpet mushrooms... . Crispy leeks.. . Pressure cooked pork belly.. . Kimchi.. . Grilled baby zucchini.. . and most importantly Sake. Going to be a good dinner night at the Rush house tonight! **Smelling good in here**
Routed a couple of Canadian task forces, took care of the home owners insurance for the house, made corned beef and cabbage for to enjoy the sunny 73' weather outside before I go smack some sense into a few Montgomery's. :D

Tomorrow is Whosday so I suspect I'll spend the day enjoying some Time and Relative Dimensions in Space. :D
Sounds like a great meal. I personally would do plum wine, but that is just me. Other then that, it sounds awesome...........
Late to bed, and early to rise, makes a man ................ tired.
Morning. I'm seeing too many of these. Must go back to west coast time and noon wake ups. ugh.
Drunk - hungover hell no the st patrick day was just another day.....

Good morning LPT
Great afternoon outside today, went out on the river with the kayak for a while.. . Trying to enjoy this weather before I have to go back to work this week.. .
What an awesome day with plenty of SUNshine. Back to work tomorrow. :(
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