The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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AH! Thank you lord for my MT angel who always answers my calls in the darkness.
Hi Mr. Sword! :) :)

I'm surrounded by orange luv at the is being very affectionate :lol:
Working on it. Still don't have a place to live secured but...I'll find out more on Monday
I know it doesn't amount to much but you have my hopes and best wishes. You deserve a break.

Did you look into Guy Chase?

Hey that amounts to a lot! Thank you so much! I'll take all I can get :D Hopes, wishes, the end, that's all that really matters.

I hope it works out OK too, and I hope I'm not making a stupid decision in getting this place (providing I get it...) it is more expensive than where I've been. That's kind of nerve wracking.

I did look in to Guy Chase, his school is over in Greenland, which is just outside Portsmouth. Its a bit more of a drive than I'd like to do but anything is possible! Trying to land an apartment first then I'll go from there. :)
Definitely closer...I just have to see where I end up getting an apartment. Too much up in the air right now to say for sure :)

Of course then I'd be complaining about snow and ice :D
Heehee! I know what you mean...definitely!!

Looking forward to that. Looking forward to welcoming Spring in a new home (somewhere...) LOL!
Well an hour later and no-one once more.

I need to head to the school be back to check then. Art anyrate lets keep the LPT alive and well... shall we!!!!
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