The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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Well almost time to go meet the childern in the car line, type at everyone later if I have the chance.
Morning KG06 and how is that knee doing now?
Morning Terry, knee is doing ok. its been a little on and off this weekend. I was on it a lot and I was battling a cold so i think i might have taxed myself. I start my PT tonight and I plan on returning to the dojo tomorrow night (lightly of course).

well thats better than a relapse any day. my weekend was best friend got married and my g/f caught the bouquet(sp?)....and the garter was thrown at me........


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, the double whammy....
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, the double whammy....
yea....mine was completely rigged though, he threw it the first time and it landed 2 feet away from him, he then picked it up and threw it right at was crap

anyway, they calling for a lot of snow and stuff for your area?

yea....mine was completely rigged though, he threw it the first time and it landed 2 feet away from him, he then picked it up and threw it right at was crap

anyway, they calling for a lot of snow and stuff for your area?


Its been snowing off an on here...I have not seen the forcast for today..I am just SICK of Winter..
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