The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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So Drac is it cold down your way?
Coffee sounds like a wonderful idea.

Think I'll brew some myself.
I dp that too. I would have done it ealier, but after taking car of the critters, I went back to bed.

Ahhhh yes, the critters...You had a goat that was well known here back in the day if I am not mistaken..
A goat and a couple of horses.

Inside we have four cats and dog.
I thought I had a lot of cats.

We adpoted one and the rest kind of found us...They were either abandoned or abused...I tried to stop at 2 but my daughter found this kitten outside her job place and tried to keep it, but her dog wouldnt leave it alone..She brought it over and my wife fell in love with it, I was adamant until she made me hold it..
We adpoted one and the rest kind of found us...They were either abandoned or abused...I tried to stop at 2 but my daughter found this kitten outside her job place and tried to keep it, but her dog wouldnt leave it alone..She brought it over and my wife fell in love with it, I was adamant until she made me hold it..
I've been there before. Kittens are just to damn cute.
That is a big cat.

And she is not the biggest we have..Our first one is about 22 pounds, I swear Mother Nauture made a mistake and he was supposed to be a panther..He is jet back and his previous owners took all his claws..I was rough housing with him one and when he grabbed my and with all 4 paws I swear it felt like a human hand grabbing me, really strong..
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