The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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Well I guess it could be worse. I think though that many people just do not know how much time teacher's at all levels put into grading paper's.
You said it, dude!

Well, in a short time I have to take a break to give driving lessons.

Hey that sounds fun and scary all in one. Kind've like a roller coaster.
With that cold, you should get as much sleep as possible.
I am curious about all your forms.

Well we don't really teach all that I have anymore, but here's a list ...

Pinans 1-5
Katas 1-6
Stone Crane
Two Man Fist Set
Circle of the Tiger
Swift Tigers
Northern and Southern Ninglis
Invincible Wall
Northern and Southern Tiger
Sho Tung Kwa
Lost Leopard
Five Dragons
White Crane (version of Falling Pine)
Tiger/Crane Set - Hung Ga
Big Mantis - Choi Li Fut
Shoalin Tiger
Various Weapons (Staff, Nunchucks, Horse Knife, Broad Sword, Straight Sword)

That's all I can think of at the moment, and as a note, some of these are somewhat lost on me, I don't practice the upper level SKK forms anymore. Now trying to concentrate on Kung Fu stuff.
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