The Last Person Thread - 2.0

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I have incured the wrath of the Supers more than once by going home rather than working with someone who is in a rolling sweat and constantly sneezing and coughing..They are saving their sick times for the good weather when they have things they wanna do...And people wonder why I want out so bad...My part time job told me NOT to come to work if your sick..Someone did once and within the week a better part of half the department was out..
thats nuts. im lucky in that my boss is my mother so she has the whole boss/mom attitude. she wants me to get my work done and not get behind but at the same time she wants me to stay home if im feeling bad....kinda funny if you think about it

thats nuts. im lucky in that my boss is my mother so she has the whole boss/mom attitude. she wants me to get my work done and not get behind but at the same time she wants me to stay home if im feeling bad....kinda funny if you think about it

Yeah its crazy, but I'm telling the truth...Don't get behind , but don't come to work sick?? That is a funny...

Good morning to ya'll ...

Morning 14..
Not too much. I have meetings lined up most of the day, then a bit of teaching, then off to the next county for a few days, returning Friday afternoon.
Wasn't the tune, "I was drunk the night my mom got out of prison, and I went to pick her up in the rain ... but before I could get to the station in my pick-up truck, she got runned over by a damned old train."
It even implicitly includes drunk-driving...if Mom was sent to prison for a bar fight over her cheating husband, it's perfect!
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