Sure push hands isn’t fighting, but limiting away one’s spirit from the possibility of fighting during the practice is there then any true skill to be gained in the sense of proper distance/positioning/timing ?
Boxers punch a speed bag for timing and rhythm
Skipping rope coordinates breath, body, and mind
Do boxers train these activities with "fighting" in mind, or do they focus on developing specific skills, understanding that these will enhance their overall fighting ability?
Similarly, internal practices need a live body to train with in order to understand the level of development. Just as boxers use the speed bag, rope skipping, running, etc., to build attributes that are later integrated into the skill of fighting.
The difference, rope skipping, bag work with inanimate objects, are practices for the body to be integrated through sparring.
Internal work needs a " live body" to work with, to test and refine inner practices...
later to be integrated through sparring
The problem with push hands, a training method turned into a competition, the skill development is often neglected in favor of optimizing for the rules to gain an advantage during competition.
By doing so they destroy the
the sense of proper distance/positioning/timing ?
Often seen in the public fails of long time practitioners in meeting with those who don't do push hands,
they do fighting