Yeah, but that ignores why weight classes were a requirement. Are you actually trying to claim that John Hess won fights with good technique rather than size?
My point is, that they're crosstraining NOW, like I said in my last post. That BJJ needed more than just what Royce demonstrated in the first three UFC's once strikers adapted to anti grappling? If they're crosstraining, they're not doing BJJ. They're doing BJJ and MT. Thus, saying BJJ people can punch and kick too is hooey. Pure BJJ people can't outside of that low kick. (The vids have spoken afterall.)
Wow. That's great, and I'm sure you saw the utter invariable truth on there too. (Cause it's not completely mindlessly biased towards MMA or anything.)
Yep. I've seen that stupid clip. I've also looked up that tournament's history. TKD fighters have won it several times over the years. Must be because all TKD fighters suck because Bullshido has that one clip. (That's the conclusion the BS'ers reached at least.)
Kinda a side effect of training for sport TKD which actively discourages the use of the hands. (It's almost impossible to score with a hand technique to the body, and head strikes w/the hands are restricted.) Since blocking a kick can break your arm, evasion is encouraged vs keeping your hands up etc. However, not all TKD is trained this way which is what makes your post and the Bullshido vid utterly worthless.
Train with hand strikes to the head etc, and you create a very different TKD fighter. I pointed this out last post, but you still pulled out the Bullshido vid.
Uh huh. You don't beleive that of all TKD, but you think it's a good representation to draw
all your conclusions from. Makes sense.
Moot since grappling is not independent of weight. It's sheer hype.
That has nothing to do with weight not being an advantage. Boxing coaches tell their students the same thing.
If one has better tech, then they're not equally skilled. The bigger one still gets to make the smaller one work harder assuming skill's equal. He can apply more weight while on top while doing nothing other than riding the smaller man etc.
Then he developed superior skill. This offset the disadvantage of being smaller. Get a big man of equal skill, and Helio would've had his work cut out for him.
I'm annoyed because you're trying to comment on an art you evidently know absolutely nothing about. (For that matter, what would the reaction be on BS if I went to the forums and said "TKD's not worthless". I'd be flamed to high holy hell.) I'm being polite compared to the compilers of your source material.
I might as well just start linking to for "proof" of grappling's unsuitability or say that JKD is dedicated to head kicks and yowling like a cat because that's what Bruce Lee did in his movies. You're basically reciting the MMA partyline (which for the record, is "TKD is worthless. In fact, it teaches you habits so terrible that you're actually worse off than an untrained person in a real fight.") without any information on TKD, and no real facts to support the assertion that grappling means that size is meaningless. I've had the exact same conversation on Sherdog, RMA, and a few other places already. If you want to actually discuss either, that's fine, but I want more than what Jim Brown uttered in UFC 2 as proof that there's some knowledge being applied here.
Kevin Walker: Gen Choi spent years refining and adapting TKD to its new niche outside of the millitary. To claim that it works solely in conditions involving combat boots and full combat gear is absurd. If you ever went into traditional TKD school, I think you'd have a much harder time calling it a specialzed niche art. TKD as taught isn't that far removed from Shotokan, and other similar styles of karate. Greater focus on kicking, but that is not TKD's exclusive focus and never has been.