Thats alot of pepper spray.

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What makes it merely a right-wing agenda?
Its not the left or progressives asking for the police to be sent in and please would you spray and beat us????

Not all these people Universitie students and OWS are uneducated or unemployed or unwashed some are taking time off at real expense to change the discussion in this country that the capitalist propaganda of feed the rich and powerfull all they want and the scraps will feed the 99% is a lie and responsible for the trouble we are in now, And why more people cannot see that what corporations together with polititions together with insurance companies have done over the last 30 years if it was converted to bullets on the protestors there would be none left standing. That in no way compares to the few fringe bad apples that migrate to any mass collective gather. As our buddy Herman Cain says Its Apples and Elephants? And if all else fails claim loss of memory or invent an new volcabulary like I wasn't paid to loby I was acting as a historian for 1.6 million Gingrich the Pig
Oh like Tea Baggers?

don't be obtuse.

You know what I mean.
Just look look forever in the flood of billi threads that virtually all start out with 'thugs' 'lefties' (like that was a disease...) and while his vocabulary is limited, half of it escapes me ATM.

Those evil squatters tinkling on Wall Street.

i think a hippie was in there as well.

(how soon we forget)

But then again, that's billi's MO.
(and I have yet to figure out why! Why would somebody who is in all likelihood NOT part of the 1% defend them crying poor?!)
Y'know what? So far, this has been a fairly reasonable discussion. Let's keep it that way and stop the digs at each other, OK?
So when Rachel Madcow(national TV Host) calls people Tea Baggers its funny and cool when Billi (NOT a national TV host) calls people thugs and evil hes wrong?

I just think its funny the Tea Party was evil up until the OWS then they became equal.

Whom Do You Serve?Posted 2 days ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 12:23 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

This incident took place at UC Davis. See below for video of this incident, as well as more examples of state repression against the 99% movement across the U.S.
*TRIGGER WARNING: Graphic images.

Such incidents are unfortunately common. Brutal repression has long been a daily reality for people of color, trans and queer people, criminalized drug users, sex workers, and other marginalized communities. But now that the 99% and the Occupy movement are standing up for social and economic justice, we all are subject to those same violent tactics of repression. How can the police protect and serve the public, when they repeatedly assault the public in the interest of the 1%? What exactly are the police defending -- our right to free speech and peaceful assembly, or broken financial and government institutions?

Police officers that brutalize people fighting for democracy and against the tyranny of the 1% need to be brought to justice. We call on police to protect and serve by taking direct action to prevent the abuses of power by their fellow officers. More broadly, we call on police to work to end the criminal injustice system that profits from the systematic imprisonment and dehumanization of poor and working class people, queer and trans people, people of color and other marginalized groups. We call on all police officers to disobey illegal orders and follow the example Captain Raymond Lewis and others who stand proudly in solidarity with the 99%.

A few more examples of repression, from Los Angeles and Portland:



Gotta love how people tend to make the protesters the innocent victims by saying they were peaceful. Does anyone know if, when the police told them to move, they told the cops to **** off and pound sand? How about **** you pig, I'm not moving? Is it against the law to protest? No, but I'd imagine that if you're blocking traffic, blocking other people from accessing the sidewalk or wherever you're sitting, that that is against the law.

I mean really, you dont need to overturn cars and light things on fire, in order to be considered an *******.
he picking on me!:waah::waah::vu::vu::wah::wah::wah::slapfight:


getting more coffee...might not jump start my brain, but it keeps me away from the computer for a minute...


Rachel Madcow (no really, that's her name?! :lfao:) who is she supposed to be.

and believe it or not: There are actually people who have been prior to this been completely unaware of the interesting connotation of the term. So yeah, it might have been funny to a lot of people. After all, ignorance can be bliss. (but it still ought to hurt)

However, you are pinning one term against a whole long list of them.

name calling is stupid and it usually shows you have no more arguments.

So, you give me a tea bagger, I give you thug, lefty, hippie....and like I said, I am missing most.
if you go by namecalling =/= argument....

Oh, FWIW, I don't listen to either side of the 'news'. Gives my blood pressure a rest.
sad times when you get the most balanced (I didn't say accurately balanced, mind you!) news from a comedy show.

Actually, I get better information about the state of the US nation by listening to the hourly 5 minute news on German radio.
Gotta love how people tend to make the protesters the innocent victims by saying they were peaceful. Does anyone know if, when the police told them to move, they told the cops to **** off and pound sand? How about **** you pig, I'm not moving? Is it against the law to protest? No, but I'd imagine that if you're blocking traffic, blocking other people from accessing the sidewalk or wherever you're sitting, that that is against the law.

I mean really, you dont need to overturn cars and light things on fire, in order to be considered an *******.

Ah, but didn't they tell you that words can't hurt you?!

(yeah, I know, I know somebody who can utter the F word with such energy, you can physically feel an impact)

being a jerk, well, thee is no merit and most people can accomplish that easily before breakfast, to only improve (you know what i mean) over time.

And no, manners have sadly not improved in the last decade or 2 (I suppose at some time it will be acceptable to greet your minister with 'F you Preacher, how the hell is it hanging' )

But what do you want? An invitation to a tea party (oh, sorry, didn't mean to put a pun there) with fine china?

Some people are a-holes. Regardless of their environment.
And usually those are the only ones you will hear. probably on either side.

And I suppose unless they cuss in front of women and children in the great state of Ohio (might be a different one tho) having a foul moth is not illegal.
Regrettable, but not illegal.
Subjects such as the one in this thread are often touchy issues. So far, this thread has been full of pretty good discussion, and I would like to keep it that way.

Please keep in mind, that you're allowed to attack the message here, but attacking the sender of that message is off-limits. Furthermore, this specific forum does not give you the same leeway as The Great Debate.

With that being said...


Please keep this discussion polite and civil.

Thank you.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Supermoderator
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Ah, but didn't they tell you that words can't hurt you?!

(yeah, I know, I know somebody who can utter the F word with such energy, you can physically feel an impact)

being a jerk, well, thee is no merit and most people can accomplish that easily before breakfast, to only improve (you know what i mean) over time.

And no, manners have sadly not improved in the last decade or 2 (I suppose at some time it will be acceptable to greet your minister with 'F you Preacher, how the hell is it hanging' )

But what do you want? An invitation to a tea party (oh, sorry, didn't mean to put a pun there) with fine china?

Some people are a-holes. Regardless of their environment.
And usually those are the only ones you will hear. probably on either side.

And I suppose unless they cuss in front of women and children in the great state of Ohio (might be a different one tho) having a foul moth is not illegal.
Regrettable, but not illegal.

LOL! Can't disagree with you. :) I was simply trying to say that things may not seem as they appear. IMO, telling someone to "F" off, isn't peaceful, but thats just me. :D

Anywho....this is just another one of those debates in which its a damned if you do, damned if you dont situation. Both sides are holding strong in their opinions, so frankly, I dont see anything new happening in this thread over the next 20
LOL! Can't disagree with you. :) I was simply trying to say that things may not seem as they appear. IMO, telling someone to "F" off, isn't peaceful, but thats just me. :D

Anywho....this is just another one of those debates in which its a damned if you do, damned if you dont situation. Both sides are holding strong in their opinions, so frankly, I dont see anything new happening in this thread over the next 20

nothing going to change.
Throw in some cops in the middle.
they can't tell the protesters,k, stay if you want, they can't tell the guys on the other side how f'd up their stand is.

So they are thrown in the grinder.

And just so that you guys know it: I find it terrible that these cops have been suspended for the job they were hired to do.
As so many of you pointed out, it was by all means legal action on their side, however one might disagree. They did not club people, kick or beat them...
(did they have to pay the price for those OWS cops who lost their temper and were caught using excessive force?)

Shows you how truly screwed the situation is (and that the estabishment is willing to throw the cops under the bus to safe face and stay out of the lime light)

brings me right back to my original point nobody bothered to read:
the UC Davis dean screwed up.
Its not the left or progressives asking for the police to be sent in and please would you spray and beat us????Not all these people Universitie students and OWS are uneducated or unemployed or unwashed some are taking time off at real expense to change the discussion in this country that the capitalist propaganda of feed the rich and powerfull all they want and the scraps will feed the 99% is a lie and responsible for the trouble we are in now, And why more people cannot see that what corporations together with polititions together with insurance companies have done over the last 30 years if it was converted to bullets on the protestors there would be none left standing. That in no way compares to the few fringe bad apples that migrate to any mass collective gather. As our buddy Herman Cain says Its Apples and Elephants? And if all else fails claim loss of memory or invent an new volcabulary like I wasn't paid to loby I was acting as a historian for 1.6 million Gingrich the Pig
So, who specifically is calling them in? Not in general groups, but specific individual leaders, and what is their political affiliation? I am ignoring the rest because it isn't pertinent to the question.By the way, as far as UC Davis, the person who called in the cops was left wing oriented.
LOL! Can't disagree with you. :) I was simply trying to say that things may not seem as they appear. IMO, telling someone to "F" off, isn't peaceful, but thats just me. :D Anywho....this is just another one of those debates in which its a damned if you do, damned if you dont situation. Both sides are holding strong in their opinions, so frankly, I dont see anything new happening in this thread over the next 20
Maybe once the investigation in over and they publish the results.
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