Thats alot of pepper spray.

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Yes, once the democrats realized they couldn't beat, kill or intimidate minorities from voting, they knew they had to change their tactics to stay in power, so, they became the give away party and hooked as many minorities as possible on government handouts. They are still doing it.

Here is an article that details why college tuition is rising so much and so out of proportion with every other industry.

have apocalyptic figures: 96 percent of their students take on debt and within fifteen years, 40 percent are in default. A Government Accountability Office sting operation in which agents posed as applicants found all fifteen institutions they approached engaged in deceptive practices and four in straight-up fraud. For-profits were found to have paid their admissions officers on commission, falsely claimed accreditation, underrepresented costs, and encouraged applicants to lie on federal financial aid forms. For-profit degree programs were found to be more expensive than the nonprofit alternatives nearly every time.
well they are in school to learn yet they were not in class they were sitting on their well BUTTS. So not going to class = lazy sitting on butts = sitting on butts. Lazy kids sitting on butts its really simple actually.

This took place on a Friday. Frankly, I'll let you have a pass on this one, since you probably didn't attend college, but most college students don't go to class all day, or even every day-I bet a lot of those kids didn't have any classes on a Friday afternoon.

so now you would have rather seen the cops using physical force and not OC spray? OC spray has very very small chance of causing injuries. Physical force well has much greater chance of causing injuries.

Wach the video again-they used physical force, after the pepper spray.They didn't need to use much, and it wasn't because of the pepper spray, either.

So you have no idea what your talking about then. You have zero idea about crowd control methods, zero idea about police tactics, zero idea about that departments Use of force policy. So basiclly you have zero idea what your talking about yet insist they were wrong

Actually, I've been a police defensive tactics instructor for more than 20 years. You're right, though-I have no idea about that department's use of force strategy, and only a minimum of ideas about crowd control (mostly related to HAZMAT work).

Base on that video, though, I'd say that the UC Davis police department has no idea about crowd control, or police tactics. They certainly don't seem to have been trained in dealing with passive resistance, something you think would be required for a campus police force.

The kids should have been in class learning. They cry about how much they pay to go to that school and then dont even go to class they camp out and sit on sidewalks.

See above-while some of them probably were skipping classes (oh, another thing-it's not like high school, where attendance is required: I basically skipped a whole semester of Religious Studies classes, did the reading and papers, took the exams, and got an A.) a great many of them, I'm willing to bet, didn't have classes on Friday.....

.,.,I know I didn't. :lfao:
Tsk, Tsk, Elder...

I'll let you have a pass on this one, since you probably didn't attend college

That seems like a personal attack, and on the eve of Thanks Giving...
Tsk, Tsk, Elder...

That seems like a personal attack, and on the eve of Thanks Giving...

Not a personal attack at all: if he'd gone to college, he'd know that.

And I know many fine, intelligent people with good paying jobs and no college education.

(Don't see what those evil imperialist Pilgrims have to do with it, anyway......:lfao: )
Not a personal attack at all: if he'd gone to college, he'd know that.

And I know many fine, intelligent people with good paying jobs and no college education.

(Don't see what those evil imperialist Pilgrims have to do with it, anyway......:lfao: )

The pilgrims are socialists! Remember?

(oh good grief....this marks the one year anniversary of billi sucking me into the study!)
Not as hard as it sounds-it was free in California until Reagan was elected governor. Hell, it was even really, really cheap when I was college age. More to the point, it's part of the job of a government like ours to ensure that the populace is educated as much as they can be because, well, because we are the government, dammit!

Yes. In the 60's. Now research for California Budget in the 60's is harder to find (at least for me. If you can provide this, I'd greatly appreciate it.), but from what little I've found, these were California's golden years. But this is a different economy, and California faced a budget crisis since before Schwarzenegger. Now, I would like free education and health care, and in a different time, with a different economic climate.

And yes, it even really cheap back in 2003-2004, when my wife went to college down there. But this is still a different economic climate than then.

Yet another yes, we are the government. So why is it that Californians didn't rally like crazy when its state's gnawing budget problems were still crazy, but much easier to fix.

Fiscal responsibility comes before a great many things, because if we cannot manage our finances, both personal and governmental. California has made significant progress to its budget gap in the last five years, but it is still not out of the hole. It's still not even to the point where the budget is balanced.

Education is vitally important, but it is not a divine right.
I started this forum. -0- government paperwork.
Started 10 in fact. total gov. paper? -0-.
Launched an programming biz.
A pc repair company.
A landscaping biz.
A consulting biz.
A photography biz.
An Amway biz.
A publishing biz.
A few others I can't recall.
Total Government Paperwork?
- Z E R O -
Guess I forgot to ask my owners huh?

In this case only, Makalakumu might have a point. Sallie Mae is a major lender of of student loans, and has ties going back to its inception. It also funds campaigns for elected officials. How big a part it plays in the cost of education I don't know but it certainly would play a part.

How much the state of California can subsidy though, has much more to do with its major budget woes.
...more later...


the dude gets around....they need to put him to work!

(OK, I find those pictures really dumb. the first 2 were maybe funny, but I guess since the guy already cropped him out of the news photo, why not paste him in a few pictures...the hard work is already done...)
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