I'm not being obtuse. I asked a simple question and instead of an answer I've been sent on a wild goose chase looking at old posts and left trying to dig up underlying points.
I thought those posts were my answer and I didn't feel like repeating myself at that hour - my mistake.
Simply put, the obvious underlying point is that protest being summarily ended by use of the law enforcement arm of the government is a dangerous precident to set. It's been done before, aye, but not for a while against (largely) non-violent groups. If such action is not strongly rejected by the population as a whole, you run the risk of it being yourself under the hammer one day when the government decides it can get away with more overt 'encouragement' of it's citizenry to do as they're told.
If the protest is actually 'riot' and causing real danger to property and public safety or indeed officers in the pursuance of their duty, then, as I've said previously, rock up the APC's and open fire (well maybe not quite that far, otherwise it's "Welcome to Syria!"