Tell me something good...

Something good?
My nephew sent me a drawing he made of a 'minecraft anime ghost'. It's cool! I'm gonna send him one of my landscapes, and bear in mind that they're selling for £70+ a piece.
Wow.. I didn't know people were making money off of it like that
Wow.. I didn't know people were making money off of it like that
Yes my other half makes that kind of money for her watercolour paintings. Animals are the most popular followed by botanicals and dramatic landscapes. I don’t like them, but I wouldn’t tell her!
Yes my other half makes that kind of money for her watercolour paintings. Animals are the most popular followed by botanicals and dramatic landscapes. I don’t like them, but I wouldn’t tell her!
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Nor should you. But, to tell you the truth. I do like them. Maybe because I have no artistic talent, but I just like them.
Since joining my new gym, training harder than ever and interacting with many different people, I feel so much healthier I ache a lot less and I’m generally of a much sunnier disposition.

Is this the power of exercise and social interaction that is so often talked about?
Since joining my new gym, training harder than ever and interacting with many different people, I feel so much healthier I ache a lot less and I’m generally of a much sunnier disposition.
As someone that has done NO physical actitvity ever really in the past beyond what is unavoidable, in despited my more recently progress back issues - I am overall in much better fitness since I started kyokushin than I ever was. I could not do 50+ pushups in high school, and when i started karate a few years ago I gave up after 15, now 50 is my standard set. I find this quite amazing. And I do not build muscles with gyms or do anything "extremet", I just do karate, fight, do heavy havy bag work, pushups and grip training, that's all. Just some hours a week does magic!

I feel that part of this is reactivation of a muscular machinery that I already had dormant, and this was in fact EASIER than I thought!
An overlayed part is mental endurance and motivation.

Is this the power of exercise and social interaction that is so often talked about?
The neurochemistry and neuropsycology of these things are extremely intersting, so it is a pity to lump the to together. It could easily qualify for it's own thread. Social interactions can both drain and yield.
I feel that part of this is reactivation of a muscular machinery that I already had dormant, and this was in fact EASIER than I thought!
An overlayed part is mental endurance and motivation.
I think muscle can be reactivated at any time of life too!
The neurochemistry and neuropsycology of these things are extremely intersting, so it is a pity to lump the to together. It could easily qualify for it's own thread. Social interactions can both drain and yield.
It’s only saying ‘hello’ a nod here and there and a bit of a chat (admittedly with the women gym-goers😉). It’s really pleasant.

There is one person (isn’t there always?) who I really don’t like: ‘conspiracy’, ‘big pharma’ and ‘send them home’ are words and phrases I often hear this vape store proprietor utter. He also offers unsolicited ‘advice’ on one’s form and technique of which other members warned me 🙄 Since he’s a stick-legged, pot bellied sort, it annoys me🤬
To be fair. I spent 4 years in art college and a lot longer walking the hills and doing drawings before they got to this level
I was on an early date with my other half and someone suggested ‘Pictionary’. We all did our usual scrawling line diagrams but, unexpectedly, she produced beautiful little sketches at breakneck speed. I was astonished!
When I was called a supercilious Welsh bastard, it brought me to tears- tears of joy! After all these years, somebody finally described me as Welsh!
Thank you so much, you’ve all made her very happy not least because when she asks me to score her paintings out of ten, I always say ‘four’. It’s good to be harsh 😑
I now have over 200 pounds of Apples and I am told, by Mrs Xue, that is what we need to get through winter.... especially if the kids are home...... so she is happy

Enjoyed apple picking this morning.... even if I think we have to much
I'm reliably assured that there are dogs in heaven. They have no sin, other than what we give them.
Unfortunately the Christian belief is that animals do not have souls and therefore cannot go to heaven!

On the other hand, in the Hindu epic, The Mahabharata, the ‘hero’ , after his terrible trials and tribulations, refused to enter heaven because his dog was not allowed in. As he walked away with his faithful friend it proved to be a test which he passed and they both entered together.
I now have over 200 pounds of Apples and I am told, by Mrs Xue, that is what we need to get through winter.... especially if the kids are home...... so she is happy

Enjoyed apple picking this morning.... even if I think we have to much
We have a Pagan ceremony here in the grounds of the 1000 year old church where people can bring their apples to be squeezed in a press and the juice bottled for their later delectation. Then they sell their souls to Beelzebub, sacrifice a virgin and eat a piece of dog excrement…it’s traditional.😑
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I'm reliably assured that there are dogs in heaven. They have no sin, other than what we give them.

There was a great episode of the old Twilight Zone series, called “The Hunt” that was about dogs in Heaven. And I just watched it again yesterday because there was a Twilight Zone marathon on.
There was a great episode of the old Twilight Zone series, called “The Hunt” that was about dogs in Heaven. And I just watched it again yesterday because there was a Twilight Zone marathon on.
You know, I’ve been watching Twilight Zone as episodes are randomly broadcast from time to time. They are either thought-provoking or stupid!