Tell me something good...

Unfortunately the Christian belief is that animals do not have souls and therefore cannot go to heaven!

On the other hand, in the Hindu epic, The Mahabharata, the ‘hero’ , after his terrible trials and tribulations, refused to enter heaven because his dog was not allowed in. As he walked away with his faithful friend it proved to be a test which he passed and they both entered together.
There’s a classic episode of The Twilight Zone about this called The Hunt.
I'm reliably assured that there are dogs in heaven. They have no sin, other than what we give them.
Per catholicism, the doctrine is no, they do not go to heaven. I would not be surprised if there's other denominations that have logic'd that dogs do go to heaven, and I've heard an argument that animals would be 'recreated' in heaven.

In my mind, it's not heaven if my dogs aren't either waiting for me there, or I'm not there to greet them when they pass (depending who dies first). Which is also part of the reason I'm not catholic.
We have a Pagan ceremony here in the grounds of the 1000 year old church where people can bring their apples to be squeezed in a press and the juice bottled for their later delectation. Then they sell their souls to Beelzebub, sacrifice a virgin and eat a piece of dog excrement…it’s traditional.😑
umm...well...I'm boring.......I'm just going to eat them and occasionally Mrs Xue will make an apple pie to eat.....
Good news. It's finally going to be under 100oF, so I'll be able to go to the park starting tomorrow morning and be able to practice my weapons kata full throttle without space restrictions.
umm...well...I'm boring.......I'm just going to eat them and occasionally Mrs Xue will make an apple pie to eat.....
Surely you could include a little ‘sky clad’ dancing?
Per catholicism, the doctrine is no, they do not go to heaven. I would not be surprised if there's other denominations that have logic'd that dogs do go to heaven, and I've heard an argument that animals would be 'recreated' in heaven.

In my mind, it's not heaven if my dogs aren't either waiting for me there, or I'm not there to greet them when they pass (depending who dies first). Which is also part of the reason I'm not catholic.
I'm aware that this belief exists, but I've yet to find anything in scripture that explicitly supports it, and my vicar is of the opinion that all dogs go to heaven.
I'm aware that this belief exists, but I've yet to find anything in scripture that explicitly supports it, and my vicar is of the opinion that all dogs go to heaven.
Even the ones that have mauled children and the elderly to death? What about Blondie, the Alsatian belonging to ‘he that must not be mentioned’ during WWII? Blondie knew what was going on.
Do you ever own a cat? It's my understanding that the cats own you.
Cats are for people with more robust personalities. Dogs give unconditional love without any effort and are for those who need that because of, for instance, inadequate martial arts spiritual training. A cat requires more work, they don’t give up their love easily. Relationships with them can sometimes be disappointing and required persistence and patience to gain their trust, affection and eventually their love. Dogs are the equivalent of highly processed foods laden with sugar and fat giving you that instant satisfying hit. Cats are healthy whole foods, green stuff and high fibre that require time to enjoy but give so many benefits.

They type of pet one nurtures says a lot about the state of the caregiver.

I love dachshunds though…and retrievers…the latter are angels with four legs.
I don't see why the debate has to be so polarised. I know people who've always had both.
Well that’s just being greedy…like being bisexual. Stick to one and leave some for the rest of us! 😑
Do you know, I hadn't thought to ask that question
Ask him.

While you’re at it, ask him that since the Bible says one can only enter into the kingdom of God through little baby Jesus, where do the souls of those members of tribes in darkest wherever, who never even saw a missionary let alone ate one, go when they die? What about their dogs?