Fox says its because they are hard to fire.Oh...
Well, let me assure you, that that could not be farther from the truth.
Practically everybody pays taxes, no matter how little they earn. But just like in the US (I guess) you pay in windows. So the first part of your wages are subject to 10% income tax. The next window of x0000euro is covered by 15% tax. And so on. The US will have different percentages of course.
What could be correct, is that only 1/4 of the population have wages that fall in the highest bracket. Or something like that.
Employers also don't have to pay the government the same in taxes which they pay the employee, though this lie is based in fact. In Belgium (and I assume in France to, since our fiscal models have similarities) an employer pays a tax as well for the employment. I don't know the rationale for this because I never really bothered to do the research. The percentage varies, depending on whether the job is public or private, and some other factors, but it can be up to 30%. Granted, this is still a sizable amount, but not 100% of course, and not for all employees.
So you see, the story is different from the Fox story (shock horror).
And while Conservative Americans sometimes say that socialist people expect to get a full wage without working... That's not correct either. If you lose your job, you get a % of your former wages for a fixed amount of time. I don't know how long exactly, but say it's a year, or even 2. I don't know, but it is something like that.
This is intended as a saftey net, and allows people to find new jobs within their domain without having to sell their house immediately, or without having to start flipping burgers. Because if you've spent a year flipping burgers, it's hard to get back into semiconductor research or avionics, or anything that requires keeping active and up to date. And if you can find another job, you'll be again a serious asset to the economy, with minimal disruption to your family and the economy. Everybody wins.
If you don't find a job within that period, you drop down to welfare income.
And honestly, I would invite any skeptic to give it a try sometime, if I could. You'll live. If you use the money sparingly, live in cheap or socialized apartment, and don't spend anything on luxury items. You'll survive. But don't believe that any but a very small minority will voluntarily choose this situation.
Those people are not sitting on the beach drinking margaritas while we are working hard. These people wear second hand clothes, live in a house with practically no heating, and eat food that is enough to survive. And the majority of those people (which are a minority) would do anything to get even a bais job, but can't have one for some reason or other. They won't become homeless drifters, aye. I am proud of that. But they are not living la vida loca.