A beginning and an end....


Master Black Belt
Tonight, I witnessed the beginning and the end of this precious blessing we are given called "Life". I watched as the fragile layers of the eggshell were broken away. Steadily, little pieces were forced away over time and we waited, wide eyed and in wonder as a baby duck valiantly pecked itself out into the world. It is something I have never experienced before and I found myself a little emotional as the tiny bird finally was freed of the egg and lifted it's little head to see the world outside the shell for the first time. Welcome to the world little guy!! Seeing your birth is something I will remember forever!!

Later tonight, I stood outside with very little to say as my neighbor freshly grieved the loss of his Dad who had just died and was laying beneath a sheet just inside his house. Sometimes silence is better than words......and just being there to listen. I listened as he told us he didn't get to say good-bye to his Dad......and how he wished he could go fishing with him, just one more time. Also how his Dad had so much more he said he wanted to teach his son. I hardly knew these people and yet, I could relate on some basic human level and I cried with him-- I think all of us standing there did. I just came inside, now that the coroner has arrived-- didn't think I could handle that part of the process and none of us were strong enough to go inside to help the wife grieve while the husband was still there under the sheet. I could have done more- but then again....I think I did all I could. Good bye neighbor. I'm glad you are finally free of the pain you had to live your later years in.

What a day. As I drove home tonight and saw the fire engine and ambulance in front of my house....I thought the worst. By the time I saw that in fact they weren't at MY house, I was shaking and it took me awhile to shake that off. Thank God, it wasn't one of mine.

Life is so precious-- live it to it's fullest.
That's a moving post, thanks for sharing that. Life is precious, at times it doesn't seem that way, but I assure you, it most definately is. :asian:
Somtimes it takes moments like these to remind us to
"count our blessings" Your post moved me, thank you for sharing.
Thanks for the reminder - sometimes, the larger picture is lost in the day-to-day shuffle, but it is the reason for that day-to-day shuffle, and that needs to be remembered.
Thanks for the beautiful post.
Through the routine's of our busy lives, it is all to easy to forget the miracle of life, and how fragile it really is. Live each day to it's fullest.
Shodan said:
Tonight, I witnessed the beginning and the end of this precious blessing we are given called "Life". I watched as the fragile layers of the eggshell were broken away. Steadily, little pieces were forced away over time and we waited, wide eyed and in wonder as a baby duck valiantly pecked itself out into the world. It is something I have never experienced before and I found myself a little emotional as the tiny bird finally was freed of the egg and lifted it's little head to see the world outside the shell for the first time. Welcome to the world little guy!! Seeing your birth is something I will remember forever!!

Later tonight, I stood outside with very little to say as my neighbor freshly grieved the loss of his Dad who had just died and was laying beneath a sheet just inside his house. Sometimes silence is better than words......and just being there to listen. I listened as he told us he didn't get to say good-bye to his Dad......and how he wished he could go fishing with him, just one more time. Also how his Dad had so much more he said he wanted to teach his son. I hardly knew these people and yet, I could relate on some basic human level and I cried with him-- I think all of us standing there did. I just came inside, now that the coroner has arrived-- didn't think I could handle that part of the process and none of us were strong enough to go inside to help the wife grieve while the husband was still there under the sheet. I could have done more- but then again....I think I did all I could. Good bye neighbor. I'm glad you are finally free of the pain you had to live your later years in.

What a day. As I drove home tonight and saw the fire engine and ambulance in front of my house....I thought the worst. By the time I saw that in fact they weren't at MY house, I was shaking and it took me awhile to shake that off. Thank God, it wasn't one of mine.

Life is so precious-- live it to it's fullest.

I usually don't tear up this easily.
Wow...That was....I dont have the words. Amazing, sad, beautiful, painful...so many things.
I dont know what I would do if I lost my son or my husband. My son was a gift as it was.
I cant imagine how that man and wife felt loosing someone, that was irreplaceable to them.
I pray that God will be there with them. I pray that they will find the strength to go on. I pray that they will find love so that their hearts wont feel so empty. I pray that they will...Live again. :)

Thank you for the reminder that life is a precious thing. Both death and birth.

My respects...
Thank you for sharing that. Even though I got to say "Good Morning Pretty" to my wife and have talked to her again already, reading that made me think of how horrible it would be to not be able to say that again.

My wife says I am a sap
and teases me all the time for talking at least once a week to my grandmothers and a few times a week to my father. I have seen people die on active duty, I never thought I would come back on a few occassions. I know how precious life is.

Thank you again for sharing.

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