Christian Soldier
Orange Belt
I hope this doesn't come off as argumentative, I mean no disrespect, but
1. Could you clarify what you mean by "effective martial art"?
2. Krav Maga is an integrated tactical self-defense and combat system. Not a martial art.
Cyracious pretty much covered 2. and MCMAP stands for Marine Corp Martial Art Program and is very similar to krav so I think that one counts too, I'm sure the deffinition of effective martial art varies a lot. But for me, the way I figure it is if you could use it in battle while wearing full uniform/tac vest/boots etc. There are other scenarios as well that these effective martial arts can fit into but that's a pretty good general quallifier.
For instance this, move will work superbly in tournaments, but not in full battle gear or most scenearios on the street.
Okay, I'm having trouble finding the 'battle ready' TKD techniques on YT becuase most of the videos are demos designed for flash and such. But I assure you, those techniques do exist.