Styles dying out

Because you don't see it In a cage duh....didn't you know that anything not done in a sport can't be considered real martial arts. I know this because I train UFC mate don't mess with me ;)
You don't get enough concussions, so I'm not listening to you. Show me a vid of a lump on your head, then we can talk.
What u say...sory I forgot own name for minutes where da heck my car gone....good enough?
And before anyone suggests anything. I'm not making fun of people with brain injuries. I'm making fun of myself. After I lost a boxing match I pretty much said those exact words while a friend filmed it lol so yeah only person I'm making fun of is myself
A bit late to the party.

This is the only time i can see how a older guy can beat someone younger is kyuzo mifune. But this is in a show of pure skill and technique. If you watch the vid the students he is going up againt can physically take him out and beat him up. Someday i hope to be this good.

A bit late to the party.

This is the only time i can see how a older guy can beat someone younger is kyuzo mifune. But this is in a show of pure skill and technique. If you watch the vid the students he is going up againt can physically take him out and beat him up. Someday i hope to be this good.

The only time?

The only time?

How old was he? He must be about 70? Thats a fun vid to watch, good sense of humor. But out of interests how much skill/long does a white belt have?

Regardless its pure skill and technique that won, there was no punch up
How old was he? He must be about 70? Thats a fun vid to watch, good sense of humor. But out of interests how much skill/long does a white belt have?

Regardless its pure skill and technique that won, there was no punch up

Mid-60s I think? But yeah, you're not going to muscle your way out of a Relson Gracie guard.
with the progress of time there must have been many styles that have died out. today's rare style is tomorrow's relic or even forgotten style.

maybe the popularity of MMA which pulls many practitioners to a small handful of styles is adding to this process. I have heard from a few TKD guys that their classes have got much smaller over the years and they attribute this to BJJ and the likes attracting people way from their. for me I have my doubts of the validity of this however that is what they say.

Also we have the addition of RBSD style systems which give much more to the person seeking self defence than maybe many of the traditional styles can.

so are styles continuing to die out? if so what styles are dying?
It's hard to say what a "style dying out" actually means. If the approach changes and it no longer looks the same? If the name changes? If it is Americanized? If it merges with another system? If the name becomes non-specific?

All of those things happen all the time. Which ones are the death of a style?
There is just more competition out there these days. And so harder for a system to make it's way.

If you do want to make the MMA comparison bear in mind you are also looking at gyms that train 6 days a week with multiple systems and separate expert coaches.

Just the access to facilities is becoming competitive. I heard of one opening up that is 24hr and has 24hr access to Thai pad holders. So 3am you want to rock in there will be a guy there to hold pads for you.

The individual clubs and styles are doing surprisingly well considering.
Yeah, I love the feel of those big MMA places. I'd love to see someplace with that kind of shared space and mix-and-match mindset that has both the standard MMA stuff and some more traditional stuff. I'd love to teach and train someplace like that. And the TMA would evolve faster there in meaningful ways.
Straw man. I can't comment on other styles, but I've never once met anyone in karate, TKD, or TSD who claims you need 30 years to have useful skills.
It's not far off the mark for some branches of Aikido, where it's expected to take 20 years to develop significant skill.
A bit late to the party.

This is the only time i can see how a older guy can beat someone younger is kyuzo mifune. But this is in a show of pure skill and technique. If you watch the vid the students he is going up againt can physically take him out and beat him up. Someday i hope to be this good.

Those students aren't trying to beat him. They are testing their skill with the same level of strength he brings.
Those students aren't trying to beat him. They are testing their skill with the same level of strength he brings.
Ah yes i agree, its a test of pure skill and technique, he doing this in god mode.
Maybe its because he has done it for so long but from wiki it also says he is a natural as well.

Amazes me everytime i watch it :woot:, its so flawless.
How old was he? He must be about 70? Thats a fun vid to watch, good sense of humor. But out of interests how much skill/long does a white belt have?

Regardless its pure skill and technique that won, there was no punch up

I know a guy who is 69 and still wrecks people.
I kind of think the different styles an systems are like dog breeds. I've read, that if left alone, all dogs would look like a pit, a wolf, or a dingo. Humans started selectively breeding dogs with particular traits and created "breeds". I look at fighting the same way. "Mixed martial arts"? Martial arts have been mixed for as long as cultures have. I think humans kinda broke fighting into categories then focused on that particular element of fighting. Also human tried to replicate what certain (skilled) people/fighters did, copied them, taught others how to imitate them and that morphed into a "ryu".

Are styles dying out? Were they ever a real thing to begin with?