Except that I am far from the only one, and if nobody told me any better, I would still be doing it to my own detriment. That is why "letting me do what I want" wasn't in my best interest, which means it probably isn't in the best interests of many people.Ok, so, YOU ended up in a school training nonsense. That does not mean everyone else is.
Not dictate, but inform so that people can make informed decisions and not fall into self-delusion. Multiple times in life I had to look myself in the mirror and acknowledge that what I was doing before wasn't as good as what I found later. The only value of this experience was in understanding the difference between low quality and high quality. The important thing is to not remain in low-quality training.I fully agree that a lot of schools are teaching garbage. That is pretty obvious. But what you are advocating, whether you realize it or not, is a central “authority” who dictates what and how everyone must train. Good luck with that.
What it seems to me that you don’t understand is that there is more than one single way to train that produces quality results. If you have found something that is good for you, by all means keep doing it. Others need to do the same and that may well be different from what you do.
Totally incorrect interpretation of what I am asking. I completely agree that there is more than one single way to train that produces quality results.