Mmm! Perhaps history isn't your strong suite or is it selective amnesia?
Chojun Miyagi, the founder of Goju Ryu studied Judo.
His successor in the Garden dojo Eiichi Myazoto was also a judo man.
So you are saying that the guys who founded the karate system that I study and practise who were both Judo instructors wouldn't have passed on the finer points of judo to their students. How stupid would that be. The fact that 90% of our training is hands on at grappling distance doesn't reflect that? You are totally ignorant of other styles and systems and constantly present bulls#1t as fact.
Where did I say that the founder of Goju Ryu never studied Judo? I'm saying that by 1993 most martial arts had largely ignored ground fighting for decades, and that included Judo.