Doc said:Well not quite. Dennis is a "Senior," with many "Senior moments." I however am an "Ancient" who began study long before what most know as Ed Parker's Kenpo Karate existed. Dennis and I have these discussions over Chinese Food at Won Kok as often as possible, (at least we did before he jumped the broom).
I'll let Dennis fill in the blanks.
Hey....... I don't have any Senior moments...... at least yet!! A couple of operations here and there..... (on coming up this Friday to shave a bit of my collar bone) but hey..... no biggie!
My training with Ed Parker possibly differed from Doc's a bit primarily due to the fact that I had an active studio open and it was necessary to examine ALL areas of the Art since I was teaching it 10 hours a day.
Private students that were learning for their own personal development could have been quite different due to the way Ed Parker taught. He was so skilled to build the student to what the student 'could' do and was 'interested' in learning. Thus, he didn't always teach the same to everyone.
I personally was interested in learning all aspects of the art so that I could pass on this to my students (even tho many didn't deserve it as is the case with most studios). I desired my students to be versed in all aspects of the Art, History, Basics, Standardized Syllabus, Respect, Competition, Sparring, Forms, Weapon knowledge and of course Self defense. This is a huge task to pass on to the masses since I didn't only teach specific areas to specific students. I have been branded at times "hard core", "difficult", and yes even "anal" about the material and standards I expect. That's me.
Since I was already a Black Belt and had a lengthy tournament history already behind me.. we didn't work on this much unless I asked a specific question.
On my first private lesson, he asked me what I wanted to go over... I said well, since I have a studio I would like to start with the Yellow Belt and progress upward from there. Starting with all the stances, blocks, punches... etc. He rolled his eyes and said "oh come on, you know all that material"! I said, yes I probably have some understanding of it but I would like you to see exactly what I am doing and I want to be sure that it is exactly what you want. I'm sure some will be fine but I'm also sure you could add great dimensions to what I have already acquired and I am interested in all you have to say....... he said ok..... and away we went.