drop bear
Sr. Grandmaster
I think when drop is saying "manipulate the scenario" he means the "planner" manipulating it to get a desired result such as "see my way is best. If you would have done it the other way you would be dead."
Thing is I have never been in that kind of reality based training. Well that isn't actually true. Sometimes to prove a point I have been in scenarios that are all but Kobayashi Maru tests to wake you up and ram a point home so you can focus on the training ahead.
I think part of the problem is this. "Reality based Martial Arts" have become "a thing". The ones marketed to civilians do, imo, raise some concerns similar to what Drop is saying because, being new, and the fact people see them as an alternative to more "formal" training, I can see the people running these programs as allowing marketing to influence the curriculum.
That said, when I speak about reality based training I am talking about adding scenarios to an already existing curriculum. In short they already know X and you are simply putting them in scenarios to put them A) under pressure and B) to let people know what does and doesn't work in particular scenarios.
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Oh man I did a knife defence course with textas and white t shirts. And I eviscerated the guy.(I taught hocks system for a year and a bit) He was more texta than shirt by the time I was finished.
It showed that no matter how good your knife defence was you are a shishkabab.
But then that did not fit the script the instructor was trying to show. As he was trying to sell a method that defends against knives.. And it was all excuse this and in the street that.
It was tragic.