So my goals as far as martial arts is to become the best I can possibly become. What I mean by that is I literally give 100% of my dedication and overall being to training and becoming better.
I have lost touch with many of my friends because all I do is train and lift weights now, my girlfriend seems unhappy too but honestly I don't care. She may not be the right one if it is too hard to accept I have goals in life.
IMNSHO, you need to seriously rework your goals. Training is great, but training is not the be-all and end-all. There is this thing called "life" that you need to put your major focus on. Otherwise, one day you will jump up and be all happy that you can benchpress some ungodly amount of weight....and you will have no one to share it with.
A strong suggestion: work out a schedule where physical training takes about 10-15 hours a week. Devote the rest of your time to your girlfriend, your job, etc.
I have seen more improvement of myself in the last 8 months since I have in my lifetime. This is all because I want to be something, I want to be somebody, Its my goal to go to competitions whether they be karate competitions, Judo competitions or mma competitions. I honestly don't care what the competition is so long as it will give me the following.
1. Credibility.
2. Proof, I want to prove to myself that I am good at what I been doing since my teen years.
And finally 3. Proof to other people that I am good at what I am doing.
You are somebody. You don't need proof or confirmation of that fact. If you are training to the best of your abilities, you really don't need anything else.
So my question is what should I do here as far as continuing my training at the Shou Shu dojo. Many of my friends say that it will never make me meet my goals and they think the teacher is not talented enough.
I honestly don't value their opinion because they are with all disrespect as possible, idiots. The common answer was "well mma would kick your *** because they throw you to the floor and go to town."
I see another problem here. Your attitude sucks. Fix it.
Yeah, so does Judo, so does mantis and bear in Shou shu, so does many things and kenpo has answers to deal with grappling. I am not the best on the floor but I would by no means feel like a fish out of water and I am not intimidated by it.
They added "people don't want to see karate, they don't want to see martial arts, they want to see wrestling and see UFC."
So I guess their idiotic opinion UFC is not martial arts and wrestling is not a martial art, which of course it is a martial art. Anyway my point is there might be some validity to their moronic statements.
If the statements have validity, then they are not moronic, are they?
The sifu does not wish to let me spar until purple belt which is like the 3rd belt, white, orange then purple. Even then I been hearing their sparring is full contact allowing anything, literally anything but the bouts are only 30 seconds long.
This of course is a concern for me because real matches are not that short. It is also annoying when it comes time to spar I have to just watch in a horse stance when I want to spar with the others. He did let me spar a few times but after hurting someone by accident he said it was a mistake to let me do that.
That I don't have enough control yet. I don't agree with this because it was an accident and the guy was smaller than me. It is very hard for me to distinguish the amount of force I should be using. I am often told not enough is being used, then when I use more force I get in trouble.
That was his mistake. You DON'T have the skills and control to spar yet. Patience is an acquired virtue, Grasshopper. I suggest you acquire it now.
I also never been clear with the sifu about my goals, which might be a problem. I now they do competitions but I am not sure what kind they are as I never been to one.
How can you be clear with him about your goals when you aren't clear with yourself about your goals? Suggestion: learn the
SMART goal system, then sit down and write out your goals in the SMART style. It will take you a while but it will be very worth it.
I am wondering if I should leave and look for an mma place, which the nearest one is very far away. Or if I should stick with this so when I do go to an mma coach, I have more tools he can help me utilize.
So in your opinion what should I be doing here? Oh and also my weight lifting is still plateud and I can't seem to break a 285 bench press, but the sifu said weight lifting is point less for martial arts which I don't agree with, but that seems to be a common thing among sifus and senseis to say.
That would probably be because it is fairly correct. Weight lifting is okay as part of training, but you should also be concentrating on cardio and sudden burst movement, neither one of which is provided by weights. And work the hell out of your basics. You can never go wrong doing that.