My Kung fu class is closing down and the last class is next week. My instructor sort of gave up teaching but he seems to control our website so I really don't know too much about what he is doing. The guy who has been taking the classes has mostly been running us through drills and forms and although he was doing a good job, we didn't do much self defence aspects or sparring. So I'm in a bit of a dilemna. I want to carry on doing kung fu or some kind of throwing art, maybe even aikido but it has to be effective. I have been studying kung fu for 9 years but still i get scared of conflict, the threat of violence. My friend has got his black belt in Taekwondo and although no where near as flexible as me, a little older than me I am scared of him because of his aggressive disposition. He has been banned from sparring many times. He doesn't see that martial arts are not just for fighting but becoming a better person. He woudl probably want me to do Taekwondo with him but I prefer Kung fu, wushu and any other art with weapons and throwing. I'm not the kind of person who will go with the flow. I like to do whats best for me. He was goaded into doign Taekwondo by a friend "oh mark you should do taekwondo". Hell and now he is a blac belt teaching kids which astonishes me because his kicks are not perfect, and when he spars he makes excessive contact. He doesn't see it as learning but proving he is good at fighting.