but they are only at risk of being lost if they are low% moves that people won't use in actual combat, if that's the case then they a) arnt functional and b) are no actual loss to the worldThat's why I said "functional martial arts" in my statement. If the technique is only for show and entertainment then those aren't at risk because they don't fall into the scope of "functional martial arts.". Things like that can be made up and often are. It's the real stuff that takes many years to create and with each generation those techniques are improved upon. Those type of things are at risk for being lost. Even the techniques that help train and condition the body, so that the fighting techniques can be functional should be treasured. Once these things are lost then it's like trying to reinvent the wheel, people literally have to start over from scratch to try to figure stuff out. It's not a guarantee that people do today can figure out things from the past. As good as our ability to build tall buildings is, they still can't figure out how pyramids were actually made. Sometimes martial arts is just like that, the knowledge becomes lost for ever and that's a shame. The only thing stuff like that shows is that we (as humans) weren't smart enough to recorded and too dumb to figure it out from scratch after it was lost.