Martial Artists vs. Professional Fighters

@Daniel Sullivan:

Oh, feedback. :)

To be honest, I think it's a bit over-categorizing. Someone who has only fought in cage matches might very well be beaten down my an experienced boxer. The full contact kyokushin-ka might very well get kneed in the head by a thaiboxer that doesn't compete.

It all comes down to surroundings, who the people are and the circumstances.

The cage fighter might be experienced, but a hard hit in the throat can do damage, lucky shot or not. The kyokushin-ka might not have the space he needS.

I'm not saying any of these MA's are better or worse than the other (at Bullshido I'm used to having 20 people within minutes responding and claiming me to be everything from ignorant to a retarded clam).

In the cage maybe, in a home late at night while everyone is sleeping and there is a break in. This is anybodies game.
I think the title of the OP is misleading and actually means nothing other than being argumental.

Well, it looks like 3 more sprang up, and another on another part of the forum. Both sides can be debated, even I jumped from one side to another. There were friendly debates that I could have kept pushing as i see holes in everyones arguement and as time passes i find a better way to reword my posts, but its best to not let this time of discussion overshadow something more interesting before it grows into 5 more threads.

I dont see how someone would post this and want a friendly debate, especially since theres 2 more threads below it, its like inviting an arguement, especially since they pidgeonhole something to either a youtube video, a class they took for 2 hours, or use legendary pro fighters that no one here statisically will never emulate or each toward.

If there is no Evidence that a Master can fight, then the probability is he cant.

Although fighting is a just a small part of martial arts. Sparring in a Class environment is essential to developing a students effectiveness in fighting.