....and now we are right back to the original meaning of the thread about skk combos and various attacks. We were trying to explore the standard combo against a different attack i.e. #2 proper against a left punch, now you have your right dominant side against a left punch and all you have to do is vary the targets ever so slightly and it all works....but wait didn't you also complain that there shouldn't be techniques that were one hand dominant.....also training your opposite side starts the process of learning about opposites and reverses....and if you have trained in AK then you DO have right dominant defenses against left hand attacks...???
Don't take this as an attack David its just hard to see where you are coming from at times
LOL no prob man

heck my wife talks to me in person every day and she says the same thing. (And worse, she can make a Marine blush with her creative use of 4-letter words.)
I think there is a difference between "one-hand domaint" techs (like the traditional #2 - where one hand is "doing all the work" ) and training with one side being predominant and the other hand being subordinate (and then considering the mirror image).
Which is making me think here as I type about what it even means for a technique to be right handed or left handed. Is it that the power strikes are delivered with that dominant side? That's probalby close enough definition for now.
I am totally behind the idea that movements can have different applications - inward block inside a right or outside a left punch for example. I think this is far better than using a right inward block to go inside a rt punch and a left inward block to go inside a left punch, and then calling it the "same" technique in mirror image.
In SL-4 for example at their yellow belt level, 2 techs "sword of destruction" and "sword of doom". One for right punch and one for left. The initial block is either right inward block to inside of attacking right arm with your right, or right extended outward block to inside of left arm again with your right. after that the two techs are almost identical (certain angles of execution are slightly different but the sequence of strikes and manuevers is basically the same). Right block, right knife-hand, right kick. The left is far from idle but it is the "Supporting Actor" not the star.
besides, my SKK curriculuum doesn't contain the idea of opposites and reverses LOL. it is very short it says "go like this and hit him hard right there".
So in summary, I like both hands to have important jobs to do but my right hand is the Star of the show. Until we get to grappling, then the left finds a lot more Oscar-worthy roles.