We recently changed the way we end SDM #3.
Previously we ended with, after dropping him using the shoulder twist, a left straight punch to the solar plexus or face.
We have changed that to be a left kick to the face, if needed. This must be done with discretion because this could in some circumstances put us over the line form 'defending myself" to 'attacking a helpless person' from a legal perspective.
Which highlights another area we are changing. We are emphasizing the tactics of the situation. Does the throw sufficiently incapacitate the attacker? Then no kick. is he trying to get back up to continue his attack - kick him. It's part of a bigger "strategic" enhancement we are trying to incorporate, which I will try to write more about later but I still have lots of thinking to do on it and it's still undergoing development too.
Do you allow someone options at the end? ie you could kick this way OR drop your height zone and punch that way? It was originally taught this way but I have seen other ke?po people do it this other way....
Obviously I don't mean all for the beginner but somewhere along the line, or is it this is the ONLY way to do it in this school?