Should we drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge?

elder999 said:
Too many people, not enough stuff....too many people, not enough stuff...TOO MANY PEOPLE, NOT ENOUGH STUFF!.:disgust: :cuss:

So.. who's going to volunteer to leave so theres enough left for the rest of us??:shrug:
1. This is why it completely outrageous that thew Bush government, for ideological and political reasons that have nothing to do with what's best for the world, have chopped support for women's health clinics at home and around the world.

2. So I see that the, "hell, tear it up," folks don't have a defense of their position to offer. This is probably because there isn't one.
TonyM. said:
They should use nuclear powered steam drills made from whale bones.


Even the most optimistic estimates for ANWR put its oil at simply "not enough to make a difference," so the motive here isn't some economic or reliability relief. Well, there is an economic motive: the greed of our President's corporate cronies.

As for whether or not drilling is safe for the environment: is it technically possible to drill for oil without polluting? Yes. Do I have any confidence in the oil industry's ability and willingness to do so? A little.

Is there any reason to believe that they won't foul it up, based on their track record from the very inception of their industry to the present?

Is the small amount of potential oil that is economically recoverable worth the risk of the potential (likely) environmental impact? No.

Is there any way anyone with even a modest amount of common sense could see otherwise......?

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