Senate Approves Oil Drilling in ANWR

michaeledward said:
100 days worth of oil ... I guess that is 'some' of the pressure.
Don't forget the boundless contribution of Colorado's pending return to oil shale exploration too.
More than a quarter of a million gallons of oil were spilled over a two acre area of Alaska this past week, from a break in a 34" pipeline. Apparently, a quarter inch hole, caused by internal corrosion, opened in the pipeline. This has shut down approximately 10% of the production from Northern Alaska.
michaeledward said:
100 days worth of oil ... I guess that is 'some' of the pressure.
Thats disengenuous posting. 100 days of oil? That is if we completely shut off all relience on every other avenue of oil. Are we seriously talking about drilling in ANWR to become 100% supported by its yields? Those stats show the exact reason why statistics are so can make them say anything you want if you just twist around things enough. That statement doesn't include the whole story and is thus faulty.

It is a shame about the spill, a sad part of the problem I guess. If we are going to intrude on nature we should at least be responible enough to take care of things to keep this from happening. Still I dont think this tragedy is something that proves we shouldn't be drilling for oil.

This has been discussed to death, especially by me!

and here

Where I pretty much summed it up thusly:

elder999 said:
Estimated barrels of oil, in billions, that are economically recoverable in the ANWR: 5.3

5.3 billion narrels of oil. Which will take 8-11 years to start extracting, and

You can look at the US fish and Wildlife ANWR page, where I got that figure : here

And current U.S. oil consumpton is 20.44 million barrels/day. I got that figure from this D.O.E. webpage.

20, 440, 000 barrels/day *365 days/yr= 7,460,600,000 barrels of oil consumed annually by the U.S.

Looks to me like-even with the best "pie in the sky" estimates for ANWR of 11 billion barrels-it's only good for a little more than a year's worth of consumption, and probably isn't good for that much.

Too many people, not enough stuff....too many people, not enough stuff...TOO MANY PEOPLE, NOT ENOUGH STUFF!. :angry: :soapbox:

Drilling in ANWR is northing more than more corporate cronyism at work for Bush and CheneyÂ’s oil buddies, pure and simpleÂ…Â…
elder999 said:
This has been discussed to death, especially by me!

and here

Where I pretty much summed it up thusly:

Drilling in ANWR is northing more than more corporate cronyism at work for Bush and CheneyÂ’s oil buddies, pure and simpleÂ…Â…

Corporate welfare and rank cronyism (among other things) is the hallmark of Bush's reign. History will remember him as the absolute worst president to be elected to office (assuming it's unlikely to get someone actually WORSE than Bush elected.) Unfortunately, it will fall to us and our children to clean up his and the conservative movement's messes.
Wow...just wow.

So before Bush was president, what exactly was the reasoning behind opening ANWR for drilling? I dont mind shots at the president, but this goes way beyond him, so to sum it up and stop it at him is ridiculous.

7starmantis said:
Wow...just wow.

So before Bush was president, what exactly was the reasoning behind opening ANWR for drilling? I dont mind shots at the president, but this goes way beyond him, so to sum it up and stop it at him is ridiculous.


Chevron or Exxon drilled a test well back in the 70's(?) and the "results" were pretty much kept secret, and the well capped. Summing it up and stopping it at him is ridiculous.

It goes back to the corporations that have Bush and Cheney in their pockets.

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