Senior Master
Too much coffee?michaeledward said:Man, you sure love this argument.
When ever someone suggests 'conserving' something, you argue: 'You Hate Bush - You Hate Bush'.
upnorthkyoso is arguing GEOLOGY.
I have been arguing taxation to modify behavior.
'You Hate Bush - You Hate Bush'.
Anyone who suggests a policy in conflict with what the president wants, there goes the 7starmantis rallying cry
'You Hate Bush - You Hate Bush'.
Doesn't matter that it was a Republican Congressman that removed ANWR drilling from a budget bill? (Why the hell was it attached to a budget bill anyhow?).
'You Hate Bush - You Hate Bush'.
Doesn't matter that it is the most popular Republican Senator decrying United States santioned Torture.
'You Hate Bush - You Hate Bush'.

Good suggestions. There isn't a reasonable observer of this issue that doesn't understand that the US needs to extricate itself from the need for foreign oil. That alternative fuel sources are a necessary, but not immediate, answer to dependence is also clear. We need a stop gap solution until we can do the necessary research to end our need to burn fossil fuels at all.7starmantis said:The facts are here, we just have to look at them.
This thread is really just becoming a "Yes it is" vs "No its not" argument. Its been shown in this thread that:
1) We are way too dependent on foreign oil
2) There is oil in ANWR that will make a difference (could be 25% of domestic production)
3) We need to produce more oil domestically for now
4) We need to address conservation methods
5) We need to address alternative fuels
6) Opening of ANWR for oil and gas exploration would help our dependance issue
7) No one solution is going to fix the problem, we must hit it from many angles.