Is this a discussion about sex education in schools or a rant about socialism?
I believe there are elements of both in it. The question was whether or not, given the 'failure of abstinence', sex-ed should be changed. I believe it should - it should be abolished.
This socialist country (UK) leaves it to parents to decide whether their children attend sex education classes which don't show soft porn films in school, that's illegal here btw.The classes are there for those who wish to let their schildren attend, there's no pressure to attend, parents can teach what they want ref sex education.
I am glad to hear that, but of course, I don't live in the UK.
In socialist countries where healthcare is free, underage pregnancies do become an issue that everyone worries about, it costs the country money. It costs money to educate all these extra children as well as house them.
It costs money in semi-socialist countries like the USA, too, witness "Octo-mom." She draws quite a few public services which we all pay for.
Bill you don't live in a socialist country, America will never become a socialist country so your bigotry towards socialism is unwarranted in this instance.
The USA may not be a socialist country compared to the UK, but it is rapidly heading that way, it seems to me. Despite your assurances that the USA will never become socialist, I feel otherwise.
And there is nothing wrong with good old-fashioned bigotry. Bigotry is intolerance, and I am certainly intolerant of socialism. The funny thing is, everyone harbors bigotry, and many pretend either they are not bigoted, or that their bigotry is justified and therefore not bigotry. The biggest proponents of 'tolerance' are liberals, yet ask them about AM talk radio icons like Rush Limbaugh - they want his 'hate speech' banned! Much tolerance there. And the bigotry against smokers, and against gun owners, in some cases the obese, and certainly against conservatives - why that's not intolerance at all, because it is justified!
So yes, I'm quite bigoted, against socialism, and I make no bones about it. Feel free to call me a bigot - I wear the label proudly.
Parental rights.... the right to screw your kids up.
Well, it would appear you prefer having the state screw them up. There is some advantage to this?
Talk to your children, teach them everything they need to survive the big bad world, be honest, be brave, explain. Love them then love them some more and then even more.
A fine thing, and I'm all in favor of it. I also favor the rights of parents who disagree with this method of informing their children about sex-ed. Isn't this where we came in?