Self Training


White Belt
Hey guys,

Haven't been on this board in a while and recently came back and lurked at bit.

My WC career has taken off. I've been traveling for work the past 2.5 years to very effy locations (3rd world countries). Needless to say, every time i've been back in North America, i've amped up my WC training to about 5 days a week. The past 2 years.

These days i'm situated more in NOrth America now. So i only do once to twice a week now.

That being said, during my travels, i would set aside 1 hour (tried daily) to train. Without any tools.

My question, what is your training regimen? i'm talking about self training, practicing alone.

Mine consist only 1 hour (because then i wont slack, when i'm alone)

1x SLT for a long as i can do it, usually 25mins average.
1x Chum Kiu (slow or quick depending on mood)

Hand combos, drills
punching in the air
foot work. Lots of foot work. includes stepping in, moving forward keeping the pressure up.
and some side stepping.

What do you guys train when you are alone? doing "home work or practicing"

i've only started doing this the past 6 months and my WC skill has increased greatly. I admit, because i always went to the kwoon, i hardly did home training. But i find i do more home training these days and 1-2 days going to the gym and spar. That way i don't have to waste time at the gym to do the basic drills and i'm ready to spar.

Let's share our training methods.
Solo training = partner training without partner

For example:

partner training:

solo training:

I'm sure the striking art such as the WC system can use this model as well. Will this model also work for the ground skill training such as BJJ? I'm not sure about that.
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What do you guys train when you are alone? doing "home work or practicing"

I run 1 to 3 miles everyday. Mon-Wed-Fri 3 miles, Tu-Th 1 mile, Sa-Su 1 1/2 - 2 miles
Footwork drills
Wall bag punching drills
Wooden dummy drills
speed bag
heavy bag rounds (includes kicking, kneeing, and striking with power and speed)
strength and flexibility drills
groundwork type core strengthening drills and movement
45 to 60 minutes 5 days a week

This is in addition to Partner drills 5 days a week and instructing 15-20 classes and private training sessions weekly.
Running 5k - once per week.
Sit-ups x 50 - 5 days per week.
Pressups x 20 - 5 days per week.
Dynamic stretching x 2 - 5 days per week
Static stretching - 3/4 days per week
Forms - 5/6 days per week
Kicking drills (In the air, against a heavy bag, slow kicks) - 5 days per week.
Heavy bag work (includes kicking) - 3 days per week.
Chain combination drills (in air) - 4/5 days per week.
Footwork drills - variable.
Stance training - variable.
Class contact time (2 - 4 hours per week).
Sparring with friends - 1 hour once per week.

I generally train for 2 hours per day, 5 days a week - sometimes more. I increase/reduce the amount of time spent on each of the above components as necessary (e.g. More time spent on sets when I'm learning a new one or more time spent on kicking if I'm trying to improve technique/power/strength.)

Vast majority of class contact time is partner work.
I work out. It's never the same workout every day, and about every 60-90 days I change to a new program. (I do home-based workout programs on DVD...frowned upon, I know, as most people believe these are overpriced fads that just make the latest fitness "guru" rich, but they are working for me, and countless others.)

I practice sil lum tao and chum kiu at least once per day...sometimes the dummy and biu jee, although I don't always because I really want to get the first two forms down.

Throughout the day I practice the punch, kicks, and blocks randomly in the air. Whenever I find myself standing in line for something, I will sink into the basic horse stance. Some people look at me odd, but I don't care. LOL