Self defence situatio

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What color paint chips did you prefer when you were younger?


No seriously a gun is just like a fire extinguisher or insurance. You carry a fire extinguisher around. Support the local National Extinguisher Association. Get accreditation in extinguisher use. Go to the range and fight fires on the weekend. Defend extinguisher rights when ever possible. Lobby the government about pro extinguisher issues. Have threads about the best extinguisher holster to use. Have massive arguments arguments about how to protect your extinguisher should someone try to wrestle it off you.

I mean when you guys put it that way. It doesn't sound crazy at all.
Increase sales? No. That's not the point or goal of the NRA.
I never said that it was their point or goal. To increase sales. Here is my statement.
"The NRA pushes a lot of messages for gun ownership and they play on the stereotypes that they their market believes. They push (markets) these messages to their target market because it increases sales."
Where in this statement did I say anything about the points or goal of the NRA?
How The Gun Industry Funnels Tens Of Millions Of Dollars To The NRA
"The bulk of the group's money now comes in the form of contributions, grants, royalty income, and advertising, much of it originating from gun industry sources."

How The Gun Industry Funnels Tens Of Millions Of Dollars To The NRA

So. A guy from work got his wallet phone and shoes stolen the other day.

He was upset that he ran away.

I may have suggested running away a bit earlier next time.
It was more that everyone else got it. So therefore it was logical and coherent.

The problem was you.

By the way do you conceal carry or open carry your fire extinguisher?
Nah. You're just trying to troll me but I'm not playing that game.
"The bulk of the group's money now comes in the form of contributions, grants, royalty income, and advertising, much of it originating from gun industry sources."

How The Gun Industry Funnels Tens Of Millions Of Dollars To The NRA

Unfortunately, that claim misrepresents the truth. It makes it sound as if most of the NRA's funding comes from "the corporate gun lobby." But it doesn't. Notice the earlier "contributions" part. That's where the bulk of it comes from. I, and every other NRA member, frequently get fliers, mailers, and email begging for money. Most of us will throw a little their way if we can. Some of us throw a lot. "Grants" are similar.

The whole article is smoke and mirrors trying to make it appear as if something is there that isn't. The NRA's Ballance Sheet is a matter of public record. IRRC, as a charity, it has to be.

Peace favor your sword,
So I had a situation tonight which has shaken me up quite bad and people think this is fake or whatever as I've seen these types of threads been accused of it but whatever.

Tonight I was out for a meal with my kids at a small place nothing flashy just a cafe. But I went to the toilets and nt long after I went in another guy entered he was talkinh to himself and seemed edgy and jumpy. I went to leave and the guy got in front of me and asked if I had a lighter, I politely told him I didn't but he refused to move and got angry yelling and swearing at me saying I was a liar and out to get him, obviously the guy was off his head on drugs or something.

I simply asked him to move out the way then he refused so I tried to push past him and he yelled your going no where and he grabbed hold of my wrist. At that point pure instinct took over. For any kenpo guys reading I basically used the technique gripping talon. It's hard to explain but I twisted my wrist and basically got his fingers in a lock position which made him go up on his toes in pain then dropped a right hammer fist to his groin which buckled him slightly. I used that moment to push him to the side so I could get out. I ran out and told the staff in the cafe and told them to call the police and gave my number to them to give to the police to come talk to me as I had no intention to stick around while that guy was still around so me and my kids left quickly. Later on the police called and I went down and gave a statement. They knew who the guy was and was a known drug user who'd often got violent.
That was the first time I've ever had to use my training for real life and it has shaken me a bit even though I was able to do it successfully. Also I'm surprised I used that particular technique in instinct as its not one I like and honestly not one I train that often. I know other wrist grab defences which I'm way better at but I guess when instinct takes over anything can happen.

Very sorry to hear you underwent that mate, it's never a pleasant thing... any sort of conflict can shake anyone up for sure... and can take time process. Sounds like your training really helped you out big time, but it's definitely a credit to you though.

Thanks so much for sharing too.

You did an awesome job and you and your family are safe, win-win! :)
So I had a situation tonight which has shaken me up quite bad and people think this is fake or whatever as I've seen these types of threads been accused of it but whatever.

Tonight I was out for a meal with my kids at a small place nothing flashy just a cafe. But I went to the toilets and nt long after I went in another guy entered he was talkinh to himself and seemed edgy and jumpy. I went to leave and the guy got in front of me and asked if I had a lighter, I politely told him I didn't but he refused to move and got angry yelling and swearing at me saying I was a liar and out to get him, obviously the guy was off his head on drugs or something.

I simply asked him to move out the way then he refused so I tried to push past him and he yelled your going no where and he grabbed hold of my wrist. At that point pure instinct took over. For any kenpo guys reading I basically used the technique gripping talon. It's hard to explain but I twisted my wrist and basically got his fingers in a lock position which made him go up on his toes in pain then dropped a right hammer fist to his groin which buckled him slightly. I used that moment to push him to the side so I could get out. I ran out and told the staff in the cafe and told them to call the police and gave my number to them to give to the police to come talk to me as I had no intention to stick around while that guy was still around so me and my kids left quickly. Later on the police called and I went down and gave a statement. They knew who the guy was and was a known drug user who'd often got violent.
That was the first time I've ever had to use my training for real life and it has shaken me a bit even though I was able to do it successfully. Also I'm surprised I used that particular technique in instinct as its not one I like and honestly not one I train that often. I know other wrist grab defences which I'm way better at but I guess when instinct takes over anything can happen.

Not bad how you handled the situation. You did good in leaving quickly and getting the police on your side.

I'd prefer knocking the guy out. He can't chase you if he's out cold. That's just me.
Not bad how you handled the situation. You did good in leaving quickly and getting the police on your side.

I'd prefer knocking the guy out. He can't chase you if he's out cold. That's just me.
That shows exactly what you know about self defence...if I'd done that I'd have been arrested for excessive force
I read this on an American pro gun forum. The best self defence is moving to somewhere where there is less crime.

The problem though is that poor people can't just pack up and leave. Many poor or the elderly, are held hostage by the criminals elements of their cities. The ability to carry a gun, not only allows grandma & grandpa to go out and buy food, but to also live in dignity.

Here's an example of such an element, although not necessarily criminal, but just a scumbag.

Except if you are carrying a gun because that one time your cousin got broken into.

It is a safety blanket.

I mean I had a friend who had a tree drop on his head. I don't wear a helmet.

LOL, but it's the best safety blanket. If you were a lumberjack, you'd wear a helmet. Just as you'd probably carry a gun if you lived in some bad areas of the USA where bullets fly by, daily.

Especially the Stand Your Ground provision, which allows people to shoot if someone cause them to fear for their life. This SYG would protect more people of the inner cities than anyone else.
The problem though is that poor people can't just pack up and leave. Many poor or the elderly, are held hostage by the criminals elements of their cities. The ability to carry a gun, not only allows grandma & grandpa to go out and buy food, but to also live in dignity.

Here's an example of such an element, although not necessarily criminal, but just a scumbag.

Yep. Economic freedom is the most useful freedom.

Giving grandma a gun but letting her live in squalor is not really giving her her dignity.
LOL, but it's the best safety blanket. If you were a lumberjack, you'd wear a helmet. Just as you'd probably carry a gun if you lived in some bad areas of the USA where bullets fly by, daily.

Especially the Stand Your Ground provision, which allows people to shoot if someone cause them to fear for their life. This SYG would protect more people of the inner cities than anyone else.

Yeah protect people from being pushed in an argument about a car space. like in Florida recently.

Florida man could avoid charges after fatal shooting because of "stand your ground" law. - CNN
The headline is misleading. The SYG law isn't the problem in that situation.

Isn't the only problem.

Shooting a person who pushed you in a fight you started doesn't exactly fit the narrative though.

I thought it was all about protecting your family from ninjas.
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