Self defence stories


Purple Belt
So I thought it'd be interesting to share stories about if you've ever had to defend yourself in martial arts. I mean real stories not rubbish like I fought 100 guys in a bar and came out without a scratch on me which is obvious rubbish.

I just thought it'd be interesting to here actual stories of self defence.

I'll start.

Personally I've never been in a full on fight and no ones really attacked me so I've been lucky but the only time I can really think of is when I was in year 7 during p.e this own kid was acting an idiot and pulling people's shorts down and he tried to do it to me and as a simple reflex action my elbow moved back and hit him in the nose, not hard but enough to stop him so he only managed to pull my shorts down a little. I didnt even realise I'd done it until after and maybe it's not a big self defence story but hey it stopped my boxer shorts getting shown to my whole class so it worked lol.
I applied my training to avoid confrontation on several occasions. Once by simply driving away when a Jughead wished to engage me in roadside fisticuffs.
There were at least eight of them. Even though they were speaking English I didn't understand what they were talking about. I tried, honest I did. Two of them were particularly fidgety, but they were in front of me so I felt okay. Somehow, a couple got behind me, they moved so fast. And they were laughing. Hard to keep your eyes on all of them.

Then the bell rang. I'm used to the sound of a bell ringing. Recess was over, the kindergärtners had to go back inside. One of the fidgety ones said, "C'mon, we get Graham crackers now."

True story. But I didn't get any Grahams.
Spent some time in Security for a hospital with a mental health and detox wards.... police use to bring in people in cuffs.... take the cuffs off and leave.....nuff said

Don't you just love it when they uncuff and leave?
We have a 4th dan who has been training since she was a small child. She works as an EMT. She's blond and attractive. Drunks seem to think it would be a good idea to grab or touch her. It isn't.
Through my teens and twenties I was systematically terrorised for a period of around ten years by a local gang. It sucked, and though I only started to train taekwondo toward the end of that time, I trained for a specific purpose. The training was invaluable and taekwondo is definitely the reason why the bullying stopped.

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