Purple Belt
So I thought it'd be interesting to share stories about if you've ever had to defend yourself in martial arts. I mean real stories not rubbish like I fought 100 guys in a bar and came out without a scratch on me which is obvious rubbish.
I just thought it'd be interesting to here actual stories of self defence.
I'll start.
Personally I've never been in a full on fight and no ones really attacked me so I've been lucky but the only time I can really think of is when I was in year 7 during p.e this own kid was acting an idiot and pulling people's shorts down and he tried to do it to me and as a simple reflex action my elbow moved back and hit him in the nose, not hard but enough to stop him so he only managed to pull my shorts down a little. I didnt even realise I'd done it until after and maybe it's not a big self defence story but hey it stopped my boxer shorts getting shown to my whole class so it worked lol.
I just thought it'd be interesting to here actual stories of self defence.
I'll start.
Personally I've never been in a full on fight and no ones really attacked me so I've been lucky but the only time I can really think of is when I was in year 7 during p.e this own kid was acting an idiot and pulling people's shorts down and he tried to do it to me and as a simple reflex action my elbow moved back and hit him in the nose, not hard but enough to stop him so he only managed to pull my shorts down a little. I didnt even realise I'd done it until after and maybe it's not a big self defence story but hey it stopped my boxer shorts getting shown to my whole class so it worked lol.