Senior Master
But...but...but... Child molesting dirtbag rapist murdering cop killers have fee-wings too!
And how uncivlized is it to actually entertain the thought of actually punishing somone for a crime where there'a an actual victim?
I mean, pot smokers & prostitutes deserve the long jail sentences and we can't keep everyone in jail because of overcrowding, so we have to let the rapist and murders out early. It's much more dangerous to have some schmuck passed out on his couch after smoking too much grass, gorging himself on Doritos, and exhausting himself with a prostitute than it is for a rapist child molester to be roaming the playgrounds.
After all, we must hold ourselves to higher moral standards! And killing dirbags like this one for his crimes would be uncivlized and barbaric. It's not his fault he was a child molesting rapist. He was just a product of a bad environment and his mommy never gave him any love.
n the spew-o-meter
And how uncivlized is it to actually entertain the thought of actually punishing somone for a crime where there'a an actual victim?
I mean, pot smokers & prostitutes deserve the long jail sentences and we can't keep everyone in jail because of overcrowding, so we have to let the rapist and murders out early. It's much more dangerous to have some schmuck passed out on his couch after smoking too much grass, gorging himself on Doritos, and exhausting himself with a prostitute than it is for a rapist child molester to be roaming the playgrounds.
After all, we must hold ourselves to higher moral standards! And killing dirbags like this one for his crimes would be uncivlized and barbaric. It's not his fault he was a child molesting rapist. He was just a product of a bad environment and his mommy never gave him any love.