Seattle Cop murdered..suspect caught and shot.

But...but...but... Child molesting dirtbag rapist murdering cop killers have fee-wings too!

And how uncivlized is it to actually entertain the thought of actually punishing somone for a crime where there'a an actual victim?

I mean, pot smokers & prostitutes deserve the long jail sentences and we can't keep everyone in jail because of overcrowding, so we have to let the rapist and murders out early. It's much more dangerous to have some schmuck passed out on his couch after smoking too much grass, gorging himself on Doritos, and exhausting himself with a prostitute than it is for a rapist child molester to be roaming the playgrounds.

After all, we must hold ourselves to higher moral standards! And killing dirbags like this one for his crimes would be uncivlized and barbaric. It's not his fault he was a child molesting rapist. He was just a product of a bad environment and his mommy never gave him any love.

:barf::barf::barf::barf::barf::barf:on the spew-o-meter
Steve, i do not really have a problem with anything that YOU said, per se, i am just stating my own beliefs.

At the risk of being overly defensive, there have been a couple of comments that make me wonder if they're pointed at me. If so, please make it clear, because I'd be offended if someone suggested to me that I value the lives of murderers as much or more than the lives of cops. And if you have that impression of me, or the impression that I don't like cops or honor their fallen, I haven't done a very good job of explaining myself. If you disagree with something I've written, I'd appreciate it if you'd speak plainly.
Understood. I guess my point is, if I had a dollar for all those that claim to be reformed, are born again, etc., I'd be a rich, rich man. Who cares what a preacher says to the gov....I doubt the gov or any other non related LE person, has access to someones criminal records, and if they do, why do they, but the point is, given this guys long record, there should be nothing he could say, that would warrant his release. This guy is a first class POS, who IIRC, has a record dating back to his teens. That being said, for anyone to think he's reformed, needs their head examined, and that goes for the preacher and the gov.
In this specific instance, there were failures beyond Huckabee's. Based upon what I've heard, I can't blame Huckabee entirely for this. I might have some of the facts wrong, so if I'm mistaken, please let me know. From what I understand, he was arrested as a teenager and sent to prison, where he served 11 years. Huckabee commuted his sentence based upon the recommendations of the parole board and a clemency request that sounded like it was written by someone who was articulate and very, very familiar with what would be most likely to move Gov. Huckabee. Huckabee considered his age at arrest (17, I think) among other things.

What I can't understand is how a guy who had violated his parole and was being held in jail on a child rape charge was released on bail. That baffles me.
Steve, i do not really have a problem with anything that YOU said, per se, i am just stating my own beliefs.
Okay. No problem. When you emphasized ARE, it read to me like you were specifically addressing another post, and the only person in this thread who was remotely along those lines was me. I'm glad that you don't believe that I would value the life of a murderer over that of a police officer.
Criminal history is a part of the application for clemency in AR. In addition, a reccomendation is made by the parole board. Every possible red flag was raised. Huckabee was certainly given the opportunity to learn that this man was going to be a further problem.

The system exists specifically so that gross miscarriage of justice can be addressed. Huckabee is solely responsible for creating the opportunity for further failure. However, there were at least three major points at which this tragedy could have been prevented, if not more: every one of them needs to be addressed.

Huckabee should not have commuted the first sentence to parole. The evidence was there that he was a violent man with little to no control over the impulse to violence.

When he was detained for parole violation, the new crimes should have been immediately prosecuted, rather than chucked. I do not know if his commuted sentence was factored into his eligibility for his second parole. If it was not, it should have been.

When he was detained in Washington for rape, his criminal history should have made him ineligable for bail: Violence against authority was a pattern. Bail is, at best, a type of restraint against flight risk.

Yet, with everything said: Hucklebee permitted the start of the chain of failures.

As much as I'd like to think and hope that it would, although I have my doubts, but I really do hope that the actions of Hucklebee stay with him for a very, very long time. I hope that the actions of this POS cop killer haunt Hucklebee for the rest of his pathetic life. And I hope that his actions ruin any chance of him ever being in politics. I dont follow politics, so I have no idea if he's active, inactive, whatever...I have no interest in the man.
In this specific instance, there were failures beyond Huckabee's. Based upon what I've heard, I can't blame Huckabee entirely for this. I might have some of the facts wrong, so if I'm mistaken, please let me know. From what I understand, he was arrested as a teenager and sent to prison, where he served 11 years. Huckabee commuted his sentence based upon the recommendations of the parole board and a clemency request that sounded like it was written by someone who was articulate and very, very familiar with what would be most likely to move Gov. Huckabee. Huckabee considered his age at arrest (17, I think) among other things.

What I can't understand is how a guy who had violated his parole and was being held in jail on a child rape charge was released on bail. That baffles me.

Thus, why I said earlier that the system was flawed. There are some threads on the home invasion here in Cheshire, CT., in which the wife and 2 daughters were sexually assaulted and killed, the husband beated, but he survived and the house lit on fire. The 2 pieces of **** that did this....were out on parole. Yes, a mistake was made, as some paperwork was overlooked, but when you're dealing with pieces of **** like that, there should be little to no mistakes. If more manpower is needed, then get it...period!
As with many disasters, be they the freeing of a monster or the sinking of the Titanic, there are multiple causes..... snap that chain any of about 5 places and Clemmons is in jail and those officers are alive and well with their families.

Why aren't parole boards and governors held to the same standards ordinary police are? Look at all the threads here and in the media about this: Cop makes a quick decision in a violent situation, and they are second guessed relentlessly.... he shoulda used the taser and not the beanbag....should they have shot that guy.... etc

Now this is healthy in a democracy, and is one thing that keeps us from becoming a police state. But parole boards aren't acting in emergency situations. Their lives aren't on the line. They don't have a split second to react. They have a file and plenty of time to deliberate. Yet, over and over again they make the WRONG decision..... and that leads to more deaths, more rapes, more child abuses.

If a cop makes a decision involving too much force on a criminal, he gets suspended or fired. If a Governor and his parole board free a violent felon, resulting in death and destruction to innocent folks.... accountability, zero debate, zero consequences.

I guess I just don't understand. Shouldn't Mike Huckabee be held to the same standard (at least) of a beat cop?
I try to be open minded.... I really do... but I just can't see entertaining the thought of freeing a child rapist at any point. For that matter I can't see entertaining the thought of giving them 3 hots and a cot instead of a .45 round to the dome either.

I value life, and that's why I feel some scum are better off as mulch. Too many that have a negative impact on innocent life/lives are given a free pass to continue to commit crimes against life, as in this case.

By not putting this dog down in the first place he was given the opportunity to negatively impact even more lives. There are now 4 dead police officers and I'm sure some of them had a spouse and children, not to mention brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, other family and friends that are negatively affected as well.

While we could be "softer" in some areas, we have definately gotten too "soft" on crime involving victims.