Same Riddle, Different Generations...


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
This is a neat little video about an age old riddle and the surprising answers compared to the generation that watched Archie Bunker/All In The Family to today...
The Riddle:
A father and son were out for a drive, they got in to a terrible accident. Unfortunately the father was killed but the boy survived with injuries and was rushed to the hospital. When the surgeon approached, they looked at the boy and said: "I cannot operate on this boy, he's my son."
How is that possible?
The video is below.

Honestly now what was your answer before hearing the actual answer?

I liked how the upcoming generation of adults will be viewing gender roles and how far equality has come. It says a lot!
Seriously? I heard this one when I was like five. Didn't even know it was supposed to be a riddle.

Here's another you may like:
A cowboy rides into town on Friday. He stays three days. He leaves on Friday. How did he do it?
I didn't look at the answer. My answer was: The surgeon is the mother.

"A father and son were out for a drive." The riddle does not say that the boy was the son of the father, although he was certainly the son of someone.
Here's a riddle that will never work again, due to modern times:

Q: What is it that a man does not have, and will never have, but he can give it to a woman?

A: A husband.
Here's one that no one will get; modern times ruined this one generations ago:

Come read me this riddle without any bother,
Five legs on one side and three on the other,
Two eyes in my forehead, and four on my back,
One tongue that is silent and two that can clack.

What am I?