Chinto wrote:
REAL FIGHTS LAST SECONDS! The military did a study from the time two men saw each other till a fight to the death was over in a hand to hand encounter was an averidge of less then 15 seconds! sport fights are just that. if you do not believe that look at fights in prisons and places. Even when an edged weapon is not involved its short and nasty. look at all the manslaughter cases out of drunken bar fights by untrained people that go to conviction every year in every state! people are a lot less unbreakable then you think.
I'd like to see that military study. I'm not buying it that weapons were not involved. In the military H2H is not empty hand, it is still with weapons. The is virtually zero likelihood that two soldiers on the battlefield, one from each side, BOTH not having any weapon. Military combat is armed combat. Soldiers use weapons, period.
I would also like see what statistics you are citing regarding manslaughter. I just did a quick google of "bar fights manslaugher".
Four of the first six articles described the death being the result of the head hitting the concrete. One was where the guy had been knocked down and he was kicked in the head repeatedly. One died a week later in a hospital.
There is no surprise here. When men fight, it often goes until one knocks out another, or it is broken up by the bouncer. And with the thousands of bar fights that occur every year between drunk and angry men, it should surprise nobody that sooner or later, some are going to smash their head on the floor, or some other object on the way down.
Fights in bathrooms are not uncommon, since it is easy to trap someone there by blocking the exit. Numerous deaths occur each year from heads that hit urinals on the way down. That's just what happens when you knock someone out. The weight of the body falling, provides enough kinetic energy to smash skulls when they strike hard objects. Human fists typically can't generate that amount of kinetic energy.
I would be real curious at the number of deaths that were directly attributeable to a strike delivered when the two people were standing. I would bet it is tiny.
By the way, I don't agree with much of anything Mz1 has written. He seems to imply again and again, that there is some relationship between MMA and armed combat. There is none. In armed combat, soldiers have weapons. And weapons are designed to be deadly. A small man can instantly kill a large one with a bladed weapon. Battlefield fighting equals armed combat. Period. End of story. There is no relationship between skill in armed combat, and skill in MMA. In MMA one needs to be able to take a punch. One needs to be able to resist a lock. If these were lethal, there would be no MMA. But in armed combat, no person's anatomy can resist a blade. All strikes are potentially lethal.
In MMA there are only one's body parts to fight with. And while sooner or later there will be a death from an incredibly good strike, by and large, men cannot quickly kill other trained men, of the same size or larger, with their hands. You need to knock the opponent out and then kill him, or take him down, and work towards a choke to kill him. Neither is quick, and neither is military, where a knife, a bullet, or a missile does the job with little effort.