James Koang recognized by the UN for employing child soldiers in combat. His personal contact information may be difficult to find, but you can email the UN and let them know what you think about him and how much you disrespect him. Call him a couple of names if you like.
You probably won't. I know I wouldn't waste of energy, If James Koang doesn't care about children then I know he won't care about what I think of him. I could show my disrespect for him. It may come at a price depending on how vocal I am. But other than me saying that I don't respect him. It's not even the worht the effort to actively show my disrespect for him. Ask me the same question I ask you 2 months from now, I won't even know who you are talking about lol.
To be honest, if I came face to face with that guy in his own country. The last thing that I should show is my disrespect. That would be something I would want to keep on the inside until I can get out. lol.
Some people will hide their lack of respect for you until it's time to turn against you or to make you the fall guy. Scammers do that. They often start off with a respectful tone. and they will keep it as long as they can benefit from the deception.