


Has anyone actually had to use there martial arts training in the street? If so, how did you fair?
Last time I had an encounter someone came up behind me on a bike, threw half a brick at my head and split my face wide open with it, then stopped ahead of me to laugh.

I walked by and took no action - not because I wasn't able, but because I was so angry I probably would have permanently maimed the individual responsible, which could have landed me in prison or with a record.

My inaction stemmed from logical thought, even under the circumstances, and was as potent as any action I might have taken. So, I would say I fared well and should have been proud of my (actual lack of) action, although many would disagree.

(Having said that, I've regretted not breaking the little f&($£(*&'s face ever since, which is just something else to add to my massive pile of regrets.)

C'est la vie.

I bow:asian: to you sir. You are a better man than I. I would have thumped the little bugger soundly. A sound thrashing would make me feel vindicated and perhaps it would have been a deterrent so he would not attack somebody again. Kind of the antiithesis of Damned if you do and Damned if you don't

I agree with you. At that point my temper would have flared up and there's no telling what would have happend. Win, lose, or draw I believe that guy would have had my best shot.