Senior Master
Not arguing, not deciding, not judging-just discussing. Like I said, I try to avoid "the debate." I, too, have friends in Israel-better just not to discuss it; especially with those who refuse to see that suffering is universal, and hate diminishes us all, apparently.
On the other hand, over here in the U.S., we can't help but "support Israel" (not necessarily "support" you, Irene-you're British :lol. In 2007, the U.S. paid Israel $40 million to aid refugees, $120 million in "economic assistance," amd increased military aid to Israel to about $2.5 billion of our tax dollars.
$2.5 billion dollars given to Israel-not loaned, last year. The bulk of which Israel was obligated to turn around and spend on U.S. hardware-from U.S.corporations, though Israel is permitted to spend a portion on their own, mostly excellent, domestic defense products, and is able to contract some of those U.S. defense firms they buy hardware from to use Israeli parts in the manufacture of some of those items.
There, I think that's the big brush picture of all the convolutions and pemutations of the billions that we spend in military aid to Israel. Okay, maybe not all, but the other details don't offer much...:lol:
And we give $1.7 BILLION dollars to Egypt during the same time period, several hundred million for military assistance.......the notion of a unique relationship with Israel is mostly smoke and mirrors. We do have a tendency to buy our friends, and keep them paid......but that's not restricted to Israel.
So, again, why the fixation on ISRAEL?