2 cops killed in Alaska. One right in front of his wife and children.

Archangel M

Senior Master

Matt Tokuoka was off duty at the time of the attack. Matt was with his wife Haley, their six-year-old son, and their two-year-old daughter. The family had just left Matt’s father-in-law’s home, where they had spent the evening with his wife’s family. Matt had stopped his car to talk with Wallace, who was on duty. Wallace and Tokuoka were engaged in a conversation, when John Marvin approached and opened fire on Wallace without warning. As Wallace went down, Tukuoka exited his car in an attempt to assist and told his wife to “get away!” Marvin then shot Tokuoka in front of his wife and children.

To add to the outrageousness of this act, Wallace’s mother, who was up from Florida visiting her son, also witnessed the shooting. Sgt. Wallace died while in surgery in Juneau, which is 40 miles to the west of Hoonah. Officer Tokuoka was pronounced dead early Sunday in the clinic in Hoonah.


Like Wallace, the police chief had sensed something bad was coming, he said during an interview this week in which he recalled his conversation with Wallace and the months leading up to the shooting. "I just had this sick feeling of dread, of inevitability, deep down in my stomach."

But Millan was no psychiatrist, and you can't arrest someone for seeming crazy.

Marvin's recent tangles with Hoonah police began about a year ago, when a woman said he appeared in her house, unwelcome. Wallace and Tokuoka went to Marvin's home to talk about it.

Police say Marvin attacked the officers, who stopped him with Tasers. Marvin would spend more than three months locked up in Juneau following the arrest, but Millan said the police officers had little taste for pressing charges.

"My officers had come to me and said that they weren't aggressively motivated to throw him under the bus of the court system. They had some compassion for him," Millan said.
That's what compassion will get you......the moral of the story is throw the crazy SOB under the bus and bury it.

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