Don't want to really come between..., but i must say that power does corrupt a person easily. Hope it's ok to share this story, for example, funny that just yesterday, in the parka guys canine attacked my gfs dog. So having the responsibility of taking care of the dog, i saw myself having to shout- also, i was figuring out if the guy himself, who was chatting with some lady, was someone i had seen once there that practices cappoeira with his dog always barking at him and he doing very powerful spin kicks and the like without hitting the dog. Now i love playfighting with dogs, so i was naturally interested. But it made me mad because i think it is the wrong way to go and technically he could hit the dog by accident rather easily with ultrafast spinkicks. He doesn't give the dog a chance, there is no wrestling really only weaving in and out-plus, why? I mean, it takes a lot of energy to do those moves, why in a public place....-if i see him i will confront him to see if he is a good guy and might even challenge him.
I'm a person that really minds my own business, but in this case i would like to at least talk to the guy and take a little closer look at the whole thing. Whatever the owner of the dog in question was not the cappoeiraguy.
Anyhow,,rambling now, i know but when i shouted at the mut to stop attacking #my dog, i may have been a little more nasty that was necessary. Shouting in japanese out of habit, i effectively managed to stop the dog that was not really nasty. OK, so here we go, the guy i guess responding to the aggression and worry in me-simply makes a snyde remark like -speakgerman- so i look at him and say, 'i will speak in any language i goddamn feel like'-half in english with a couple of f words. 'why should i?' i ask
Ok, then he says, 'you do not want to mess with me', you don't know me' do you blabla.' Me being a careful person wondered if he be some kind of hab and truly have connections and knowledge. so I said to him, 'well, you don't know me either do you, do you'
Also, i purposely said it in a bit of a spooky calm way to retort to the stupid line. he seemed to geniuinly not have a clue as to my person-answering 'no he doesn't know me, but he can see..'? wtf- do i look so weak, ok- maybe the limp from the blister on my heel(damn wool folds-i normally never get blisters even for days on walking)...?
i think when he said that he is not to be messed with, i think he meant some martial arts training. Not like his dad is police chief or he has a syndicate of prowlers under his controll, or is one himself.
. Then i tell him he's a piece of ****(in english&german for added clarity). My plan, i want him to attack me. But he is not that type of guy it seems.- I start leaving, i tell him sorry for the mean words, but after i shout to protect my canine, he tells me to speak so and so language...(sortof reeks of racial intollerance)- and THAT, i tell him, i find distasteful(finally able to find vocab without f words).
So i'm a good deal away now and he retorts 'thank god'(like thank god i find it distasteful??-actually kindergarten level)- wtf- why is the guy bringing god into this, i thought. So i stop and head back walking briskly, limp gone- the guy was very frightened and making the stop motion with his palms, going back meters, while repeatedly giving me warnings--the lady leaves. I go closer and keep repeating what he had said, with open arms but the fear in him his dog starts growling, i crouch down and reach peacefully for the dog and the dog is pacified and i pet it vigorously lovingly exposing my face. I get up and head towards him closer, he still trying to stop me, collapsing a bit and i have to turn my hips a tad because i can sense he is thinking to hit me in the nuts(later on a find a mirco scratch on the knuckle of my thumb).
I keep smiling and telling him 'thank god' and slowly he is beginning to see that i mean him no harm and if i did, i think he would most likely have no chance.
OK, sorry for the long story, but it is fresh and shows how ****ed up we can be when provoked in certain ways. I personally, believe that Gates should not have provoked the Policeman in the first place. I think that he was abusing his status and power in the first place. Then i also agree that the police should have left, but they are human too and if challenged in certain ways, their egos kick in, their complexes and whatever. Just like any confrontation, one hurts and challenges the other. It's in peoples nature to want to do something to the other to get justice done, the smart ones know how to charge and sue, the less aware might lose their cool.
In my story, the guy started with the power trip- telling me 'i don't want to mess with him' i was spooked, i was imagining a team of mercenaries stalking me down. I thought the guy had access to peoples files and could influence lives,jobs and fortune.
Then i ask if he knows me....he seemed disinterested. He was bluffing, i was confused. i mean i don't have much worldly power and am a very cashless luckless person(hopefully can change that) with my passion in the arts and spirituality my only real asset. Still, it's a vicious circle. After leaving again, the guy called me back and we bowed to each other, both appologized for our shortcomings and walked off practically, sortof having made friends