Questions on Robert Bussey


<font color=blue><B>Grand UberSoke, Sith-jutsu Ryu
don't cry when i tell you this... but...there is a whole thread on bussey if you use the search function.

Yes, I know. But again, disinformation is mixed with fact.
Gentlemen, please, enough. The various issues and complaints from all sides are under discussion by the admins and supermods. Due to the large number of complaints, please give us a few days to properly process them.

Please refer to the warning now stickied on this forum.
No more flaming or other abuse will be tollerated.
The only thing I know about Bussey is that he trained under Hatsumi for a number of years (Togakure Ryu). Went off and did his own thing for awhile and eventually, for religious reasons, has backed off of teaching. Went a different direction although has many schools still teaching his system. There's already a ton of information on MT and other martial arts sites.
I have a whole 'conversation' with r.server a dallas ninjutsu instructer over Bussey if anyone would like it...? hey looks like R.Server(sp) has been suspended oh well

I did a lota research on him and so on if you like
AnimEdge said:
I have a whole 'conversation' with r.server a dallas ninjutsu instructer over Bussey if anyone would like it...? hey looks like R.Server(sp) has been suspended oh well

I did a lota research on him and so on if you like
sure please post all the info you can.

We have a number of folks suspended at the moment. Most will be trickling back in over the next few weeks.